More Than 7,000 Nurses Go on Strike in New York City – IOTW Report

More Than 7,000 Nurses Go on Strike in New York City

NTD: Thousands of nurses at two New York City hospitals went on strike on Monday after contract negotiations stalled over pay and staffing levels, a move that caused one of the facilities to postpone procedures and appointments. The walkout involves more than 7,000 nurses at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx and Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan, the New York State Nurses Association said in a statement. more

2 Comments on More Than 7,000 Nurses Go on Strike in New York City

  1. They’re in NYC and on strike because they’re worthless PsOS.
    Why didn’t ALL the nurses walk out in support of their fellow Union stooges?
    Why only 2 hospitals?
    Poor Union enforcement?

    I knew a nurse who took her training in NYC (back in the 70s – not at either of those hospitals, that I recall) and said that pretty much every day some indigent’s gurney would be pushed into a corner to die quietly – no bells or whistles.

    I thought it was kinda strange behavior from Angels of Mercy.
    Though it may have BEEN mercy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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