More than half of Dutch voters now want to LEAVE the European Union – IOTW Report

More than half of Dutch voters now want to LEAVE the European Union


The shock result was published just two weeks before Dutch voters are set to go to the polls to elect their new government, with far-right eurosceptic politician Geert Wilders leading in the polls. 

It also comes a day after Brussels boss Jean-Claude Juncker openly dismissed the idea of taking the EU back to its roots as a trading bloc, despite including that scenario as a possibility in his landmark white paper. 

Eurosceptics today hailed the poll as proof that people across the continent are finally realising the EU has become a “straitjacket” which is leaving the them worse off. 

The eurosceptic Bruges Group think-tank, which commissioned the survey, said: “Across the continent of Europe and beyond people want to take back control of their lives. 

“A concerted campaign for Nexit, along the lines that we saw in the UK, can overtime, just like it did in Britain, move the Netherlands towards the exit. 

“Britain will welcome our allies, the Dutch people, in a new post-EU Europe.” 


16 Comments on More than half of Dutch voters now want to LEAVE the European Union

  1. Among the group of guys I work with are a few from the Amsterdam area. They are gun control, EU believing, bureaucracy loving, do gooders. Don’t get me wrong, they are nice guys, but you won’t find them doing anything that might get them in trouble.

  2. “Just out of curiosity, do you have a thing about sticking your finger in dykes?”
    Always been up for a challenge,
    The Few, the Brave, the Dutch…
    Stole that quote from Dr. Jan Pol,,,
    To him, a finger is nothing.

  3. They’re like Californians. Drop a deuce in the punch bowl. Scowl at how awful “this place” is. And leave. Looking for a fresh punch bowl.

    Come to think of it… They’re JUST like Californians.

  4. The EU seemed to take all the bad ideas about gov’t from all over Europe and craft a Frankenstein-monster-type abomination in Brussels.
    Irresponsible bureaucrats running everything, with the elected only flickering images of some obscure (largely mythical) “democratic” or “oligarchic” tradition.
    Bureaucrats will always serve themselves first, their bureaucracies second, their families third, their regions fourth, and, if there’s any time left, their “constituencies” (ie – the masses of unwashed proles the bureaucracies are ostensibly designed to serve).
    The further they’re removed from actual work, and the more they see of their fellow men only as great masses of ignorant peasants standing in lines like sheep to be sheared and abused, the more they sense their own superiority, chimeric though it is.

    Looks like Germany and France will either fight over the carcass or war with the rest of Europe to force them back into the fold. Or maybe Putin will sense the weakness and expand his Empire west, swallowing Eastern Europe in the process (he’s already in Crimea).

    izlamo delenda est …


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