More Tigers Live In Cages Than In The Wild – IOTW Report

More Tigers Live In Cages Than In The Wild

Washington Post

Over the past century or so, the tiger population has plunged in the wild, dropping from an estimated 100,000 to fewer than 4,000, while the number in captivity had exploded to more than 12,500. Nowhere else was the animal’s commodification more complete than in tiger farming, where it is raised, butchered for parts and sold for tens of thousands of dollars. And nowhere else had these farms operated with greater impunity than in Laos, an obscure communist nation whose own wild tigers have nearly all been killed. More

11 Comments on More Tigers Live In Cages Than In The Wild

  1. Any animal raised for man’s benefit is automatically protected, because it s now an actual commodity worth protecting.
    The inherent problem with trying to protect a species in the wild, where there is a possibility of killing it for profit is doomed. Poor people are going to kill anything if it keeps them from starvation.

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