Just add a thumb to those four fingers and call it the fister.
Back in the days before smart phones, we had these things called “PDA’s”. One knockoff of the Palm Pilot was readied for shipment to the US when a keen eyed native english speaker noticed the model name was the “Hand Job”. Unfortunately, they were stopped and repackaged before shipment.
I remember Tranny Honey.
Back before Tranny meant what it does now, of course. (tells ya what kind of cars I could afford when I was less older)
@BFH — Can’t get your MILF, uhm, enlarged enough to read the content.
Why has may avatar starting to disappear? Shows up on some comments and not on others.
Things that make you go, hmmmmm…..
Fifth down on the left: jeb! bush has gone into the potato chip business?
Tranny Honey. LOL!
Not seeing any problem
But who doesn’t like a good Poo Poo Smoothie?
Just add a thumb to those four fingers and call it the fister.
Back in the days before smart phones, we had these things called “PDA’s”. One knockoff of the Palm Pilot was readied for shipment to the US when a keen eyed native english speaker noticed the model name was the “Hand Job”. Unfortunately, they were stopped and repackaged before shipment.
I remember Tranny Honey.
Back before Tranny meant what it does now, of course. (tells ya what kind of cars I could afford when I was less older)
@BFH — Can’t get your MILF, uhm, enlarged enough to read the content.
Why has may avatar starting to disappear? Shows up on some comments and not on others.
Things that make you go, hmmmmm…..
Fifth down on the left: jeb! bush has gone into the potato chip business?
Megapussi needs Spotted Dick
first one is hard to see. It says Homo Sausage.
That Schovit would go great with some steaming Cock Soup.
I was searching for rat poison labels the other day (for a corrupt politician photoshop project) and found Kellogg’s Poison Pops:
Grab’em by the megapussi!!!