More Yellow Vest Protests! Majority of French Reject Macron’s Offers – IOTW Report

More Yellow Vest Protests! Majority of French Reject Macron’s Offers

Breitbart: A poll has revealed the majority of French do not think the new policies unveiled by French President Emmanuel Macron this week are enough and say they want the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) protests to continue.

The data, released by polling firm Odoxa, shows that 59 per cent of French are not convinced by the measures to quell the Yellow Vest protests announced by President Macron earlier this week which included a 100 euro raise in the minimum wage and several tax breaks, Le Figaro reports.

Only 21 per cent of those who watched Macron’s address to the nation on Monday found his policies convincing, despite the viewership seeing a 40 per cent increase from a previous speech last month.  more here

5 Comments on More Yellow Vest Protests! Majority of French Reject Macron’s Offers

  1. The more socialists demand, the higher costs & taxes the government will demand to pay the socialists.

    Who do the French people think will pay for the pay raises they recieve?
    The consumers (French people).

    It is a Vicious cycle until government runs out of everybody else’s money.

    Even a French “surrender” won’t help, no country wants to inherit more socialist leeches on top of the EU mandate of unfettered, budget busting islamic immigration.

    The the proposed EU military force will sort it out.
    As a vassal state of the EU elite, France’s troubles are just beginning.

  2. @cato December 13, 2018 at 3:17 pm

    > Who do the French people think will pay for the pay raises they recieve?

    But the Gilets Jaunes did not ask for more gibs. Quite the opposite. They demanded “No new taxes”, and “Macron must go.”

    Macron countered with “I’ll stay, and you can have some new taxes… But wait! Before you answer! I’ll also throw in some more of somebody else’s money.”

  3. Considering the situation we will face with the new House in January, I think we should start buying some yellow vests of our own and let Nancy Pelousy and Upchuck see for themselves how much we’re on to them and their bullshit.


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