Morgan Freeman! 100% – IOTW Report

Morgan Freeman! 100%

26 Comments on Morgan Freeman! 100%

  1. Banana Republic: Biden’s America just Joined Seven Other “Sh*thole” Nations by Arresting an Opposition Leader

    ht tps://

  2. Deepfakes will be the end altogether of trust between people unknown to one another. A return to tribal groups small enough that everyone knows and can count on one another will follow.

    When everything can be convincingly faked nothing will be believed that doesn’t happen in one’s view.

  3. Obvious AI.
    Voice isn’t quite right and the hat moves around on his head.
    Eyes are a bit lifeless too.
    Funny though.
    They should do Liz Cheney or Rob Reiner next.

  4. Fact is Joe Biden has been manipulating many in the black population into what he regards as a “newer” type of slavery, complete with invisible chains and all.

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