Morgan Freeman’s Step-Granddaughter Stabbed to Death on Sidewalk – IOTW Report

Morgan Freeman’s Step-Granddaughter Stabbed to Death on Sidewalk



ClashDaily- This is horrible and tragic news for Morgan Freeman and his family.

Morgan Freeman’s step-granddaughter was allegedly stabbed to death by her boyfriend on a Manhattan sidewalk early on Sunday morning in an apparent ‘exorcism.’

Witness Brydon Tarafa, 28, told that he was in his apartment when he heard ‘Jesus Christ is born’.

‘I heard the man yelling ‘Jesus Christ is born’, like yelling, screaming maniacally,’ Tarafa said. ‘And I heard a woman scream shortly before that.’  more

14 Comments on Morgan Freeman’s Step-Granddaughter Stabbed to Death on Sidewalk

  1. A few facts about Morgan FreeMan;

    1) He was banging his “granddaughter” since she was 17 years old. She was his side piece.

    2) He has said that “white cops in America are terrorists”.

    3) He praised the Baltimore rioters for their savagery.

    4) He called Eric Gardner a “murder victim by white racist cops” even though a black female supervisor was standing there the entire time as he fought with officers of various races, including black.

    5) He supports Black Lives Matter and so did his goombmada and so did the savage that killed her.

    6) He is anti second amendment.

    He is an ungrateful liberal piece of shit that has done a lot of badmouthing of America. He is a typical liberal/leftist asshole that likes to create problems for other people but gets sympathy when they get a dose of their own medicine. I have no sympathy for him. He gets no compassion from me. People like me warn people like him to be careful because someday they will get what they asked for. Now he got a little. Welcome to it Morgan.

  2. No need for St Morgan to go there (blaming Christianity).
    The Media went there ASAP.
    EVERY single newsstory about this mentioned “religion” first and foremost (it was the teaser before a commercial) and secondly they made sure to note that the crazed black murdered was using the name of the Jesus (in vain).

    Buried later in the story was that this couple was using drugs and that he was really messed up on drugs.
    1. BATH SALTS is a religion easier tied to the Left than to Christianity.
    2. Christians don’t have anything to do with ritual sacrifice. Nor murder, you listening, Mohammed?
    3. It would have been more responsible for the Press to mention that they were a couple, they were doing drugs, and that it happened at 3 AM (not shortly after Sunday School).

    Again not RIP but AMF to this victim of her choices; another one bites the dust.
    I used this event to remind my kids that they call it DOPE for good reason, right Mr Freeman?

    How will they tie it to NYC gun ownership, I wonder?

  3. To take the line from Jewels in Pulp Fiction: Bath Salts!? Shit Negro, that’s all you had to say!?

    Morgan should be glad it stopped at a stabbing and not escalated to his step-granddaughter having her face eaten off.

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