Yahoo: SALT LAKE CITY — The Mormon church, the biggest sponsor of Boy Scout troops in the United States, announced Thursday it is pulling as many as 185,000 older youths from the organization as part of an effort to start its own scouting-like program.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said the move wasn’t triggered by the Boy Scouts’ decision in 2015 to allow gay troop leaders, since Mormon-sponsored troops have remained free to exclude such adults on religious grounds.
But at least one leading Mormon scholar said that the Boy Scouts and the church have been diverging on values in recent years and that the policy on gays was probably a contributing factor in the split.
Saying it wants a new, simplified program of its own that is more closely tailored to Mormon teenagers, the church announced that boys ages 14 to 18 will no longer participate in the Boy Scouts starting next year. The church said the decision will affect 185,000 teens; the Boy Scouts put the number at 130,000. more
How did they get the antifa to allow them to withdraw?
Once a Scout, once a loyal contributor and supporter.
No more in any capacity.
The scouts have been infected, just as the Public School system.
I also refuse to buy girl scout cookies any longer, which annoys the parents, and then I tell them to tell the kid it’s “democracy” at work.
I don’t buy anything from the Girl Scouts anymore either. They’re little political/ PC activists now.
It used to be they were taught to be self sufficient, problem solvers and to be loyal to this country.
Not anymore. It’s like they’re being run by angry women and taught from gossip magazines.
Former Scout Leader with a youngster in scouts. Dropped all association once the whole Gay thing surfaced. Boy Scouts is ran by Boy Scouts with limited adult supervision – ripe for abuse by teen predators.
My parents once revolted while attending a huge scout camping event several years ago (Tigers, Wolves and Bears). We were not allowed to check on our youngsters using the common showers/changing area after swimming – not even us scout leaders (who do undergo background checks). Only the Boy Scouts were allowed in. After the kids began filing out with missing gear, tales of fighting and overflowing toilets did the dads push the Boy Scouts aside and restore order. Lost confidence in the organization, the Gay thing was the last straw.
Today it seems as if there is a Boy Scout Industrial Complex – we continually had to raise funds, buy “Scout” approved items and even some parents paid thousands of dollars for classes that help Scouts earn badges for Eagle.
Get back to the basics – Baden Powell intended this organization to be 100% volunteers, no paid leaders.
About 90% of the money made by the little girls selling cookies goes to fund the extravagant salaries and fringe benefits for the feminist bitches that run the Organization at the national level!
Sounds good. The scouts have become nothing more than hunting grounds for chickenhawks.
It would seem the rest of us need to create (carefuly) a new Stronger group.
Our youth baseball was Little Leauge, and we were over run by rules and policies we wanted nothing to do with. So now my son Garrett plays PONY Leauge & I coach hitting. No Stupid Rules…only what the Kid’s need, Real Baseball !
What am I supposed to do with these pink Pussy Hat cookies I ordered?
When I was a scout, if some fuck had attempted to
sex me he would have got a Buck knife in the ribs.
My kid is starting karate classes this year. We’ll
teach her the other ways of life that are not political.