Mormon Sent In To Try And Give Hillary the Presidency – IOTW Report

Mormon Sent In To Try And Give Hillary the Presidency


Donald Trump appeals to the worst fears of Americans at a time we need unity, not division. Republicans are deeply divided by a man who is perilously close to gaining the most powerful position in the world, and many rightly see him as a real threat to our Republic. Given his obvious personal instability, putting him in command of our military and nuclear arsenal would be deeply irresponsible. His infatuation with strongmen and demagogues like Vladimir Putin is anathema to America values. We cannot and must not elect him. – Even McMoillin  (I spelled his name wrong to highlight how little name recognition this dope has, a dope who thinks he’s going to win the presidency in the next 3 months.) ((Oh, wait, scratch that. He’s not supposed to win. He’s supposed to siphon enough votes away from everyone so that there is no winner and the vote will go to a magical process where Ted Cruz, once again, is named president. (((These frigtards are making me hate Ted Cruz.)))


32 Comments on Mormon Sent In To Try And Give Hillary the Presidency

  1. David French 2.0.

    Mitt Romney doesn’t have the balls to put his own reputation on the line so here is yet another pawn to thwart Trump. Erik Erikson was bragging about this final attempt to screw Trump a few weeks ago. As mentioned, their fantasy being that they win a few red states and the House picks the next POTUS. Although all this could possibly do is hand the election to a demented crook.

    I think I read this unknown very formidable candidate with a lot backing has about 135 twitter followers. Quite a popular guy.

  2. Hey Hat, if you’ve got proof that this is a Cruz plot or is sanctioned by him, please share it with us…Otherwise, this smells like something mittens (I won’t dignify the SOB by spelling his name as a proper noun)and the “we love Sir Edmund” crowd has cooked up since their other stooge du jour decided it was too embarrassing to even lend his name to the plot.

  3. “…woman who is perilously close to gaining the most powerful position in the world, and many rightly see her as a real threat to our Republic. Given her obvious personal instability, putting her in command of our military and nuclear arsenal would be deeply irresponsible.”


  4. Fur, your headline says it all.

    “Donald Trump’s ideas, McMullin wrote in a social media post, “would deny Americans of all races, religions, and nationalities their right to pursue and obtain happiness.””

    Umm…NO, jacka§$,
    that would be muslims you’re talking about.

  5. TO Bad Brad

    True, really high-intensity DUMB right there.

    ON THE BRIGHT SIDE: If they vote for this moron
    (as they would likely NEVER vote for Trump
    if they’re SO lost at this point in the game)

    at least they’re not voting for Hillary.

  6. GovLawyer –

    I think you’re misinterpreting what I am saying.
    I have absolutely no proof Cruz is behind this and I’m not saying he is.
    The people who are behind this are the ever-hopefuls that think this will bring them Lord Cruz.

    I said that these people are making me start to hate Cruz, through no fault of his, whether he is a part of this or not.

    Go to any rabid #NeverTrump site and you will see the commenters openly masturbating about how all of these schemes lead to TED.
    (They call him Ted.)

    Nearly every idea, scheme, gambit that is discussed is all with the endgame of Ted in mind.
    Ted in 2020, Ted in 2016.

    It’s as if they do not realize that if the GOP were able to pull off a Trump assassination TED would be on the list of replacements somewhere down below Bob Dole.

    TED’S campaign of ideas is nearly indistinguishable to Trump’s, a notion completely lost on these tards.

    And if the ideas are stripped away and people simply voted on the shallow stuff, looks, etc., Trump beats Cruz.
    The blind spot of Cruz backers is that they don’t realize Cruz is so damn unlikable. And if he is behind this, he’s hurting his chances in the future.

  7. @Brad, I checked out the comments. The stupidity is monumental. Like this inbred cretin:

    NbyNW DarthYoda • 43 minutes ago
    He can do well in Mormon states that are a toss up for Trump right now. Maybe he could eat into Trump’s share enough to make Trump drop out. At any rate, he can give some of us conservatives a reason to vote, helping the down ballot.
    I am already lacking in patience and people-hating today. I wish I could send these dolts to exist on a private island with Killary and Bill.

  8. Eugenia
    I think we’ve found a relatively small portion of the population that likes to identify as “Conservative” but has no idea what values Conservatives strive for. The Zombie Apocalypses is real after all. And they all live at The Right Poop.

  9. @BENITO



  10. Fifty Republican National Security Officials (Politicians)issued a report today that Trump can’t be trusted…”most reckless” President etc. The New York Times and most media agree with them.
    My question the these fifty scumbags is: What do y’all think of Obama? and do y’all support Hillary. She’s not only reckless you assholes, but also careless,
    and has a problem with the truth.
    I an glad that I did not send one red cent to the RNC since 2012.
    I just ordered my Trump/Pence yard sign from Eric Trump, and after this election I will no longer be a registered Republican.

  11. So is this an indicator that Mormons by and large don’t want Trump and will stay home if this guy doesn’t run?

    Maybe not but if it is, it’s the most ironic thing in living memory since fundies like myself were blamed for staying home (when we didn’t) because Romney is LDS, thus handing the White House to Obama a 2nd time.

    If they stay home and hand it to Clinton, without a doubt they’ll all hold themselves blameless.

  12. WTF is is with the mormons anyways? Obviously Trump threatens some revenue stream they have been enjoying with the elitists in charge–has anyone followed the money?

  13. I don’t even think Elizabeth likes it somewhere down below Bob Dole.

    For the record,
    I have nothing against Mormons.
    The article said this is perhaps a Mormon Strategy to take those 4 states and block Trump.

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