Morning Joe: 2020 Democrats Are ‘Getting Worse’ With Policy Proposals – IOTW Report

Morning Joe: 2020 Democrats Are ‘Getting Worse’ With Policy Proposals


MSNBC’s Morning Joe cohost Joe Scarborough slammed 2020 Democrats for helping President Donald Trump’s  chances of getting reelected, saying they are “getting worse.”

“How does it get better for Donald Trump? Well, you have Democrats getting worse,” Scarborough said. “You have Democrats saying, ‘You know what we are going to do? We’re going to decriminalize crossing the border illegally. You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to take away health insurance from 160 million Americans. You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to give health care coverage to people who cross the border illegally.'”

“Everything is free,” cohost Mika Brzezinski interjected before Scarborough told the panel to let him continue listing off the proposals that are actually helping elect Trump.

“Bernie said it this past week, ‘We’re going to forgive all medical debt. You know what we’re going to do?’ And I’ll tell you you just keep stacking that up and you get more people in the suburbs, more swing voters going, ‘Wait a second. This is insanity,'” Scarborough said. “By the way, listen. I’ve said it. I want Donald Trump to get beaten and I will vote for anybody that will beat Donald Trump, but the Democrats moving in that direction give Donald Trump his only chance.”

Failed former MSNBC host and frequent Morning Joe guest Donny Deutsch said he agreed with Scarborough and added that these policies only help Trump on the campaign trail. “[Trump] can say, ‘Look at the socialist. That’s un-American.’ And that is the real warning sign for Democrats,” Deutsch said. read more

9 Comments on Morning Joe: 2020 Democrats Are ‘Getting Worse’ With Policy Proposals

  1. we can’t get the federal gov’t to label antifa a terrorist group, even though they put on masks and go beat people up to make them stop exercizing their constitutional rights, but

    san franfago has just officially designated the NRA a terrorist organization.


  2. Is it really going to come down to a choice as simple as Capitalism or Socialism? Democracy or Socialism? American values or European values? Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren running against Donald Trump?

    Is it actually possible that Joe Biden will be the Democrat Party’s nominee? Will the voters have to choose between a stumbling, bumbling, forgetful, semi-senile, plagiarist, and man who cannot comprehend the meaning of the U.S. Constitution; or a stable genius who is also the “Chosen One” according to some of his friends and supporters? Apparently Mourning Joe has seen the writing on the wall, and he is preparing his vast audience for the failure of his powers of persuasion.


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