Moron – IOTW Report



The White House shot back at Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) after he fell for a post from a fake Lara Trump page, calling the Democrat lawmaker a “moron.” More

15 Comments on Moron

  1. There are tons of Profiles on X that look like the real deal…If You hover the

    Cursor over Them, you can read the Bio…and They’ll say “Not Affiliated”

    This will be remembered as His “Ghost of Kiev” moment…or Dukakis light.

  2. I have come to the conclusion that at least 80% of the Senate is on par with Murphy. No more than two terms as Senator, three terms in the House, with a maximum of 12 years in Congress. If you serve three terms in the House and get elected to the Senate, you only get one Senate term.

    Then nobody gets rich being a lifer, there’s always fresh moron blood to laugh at and they’re gone before their stupidity becomes dangerous.

  3. Not the worst demonrat visual…..
    How about Dick “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal…..
    protesting DOGE’s War against…..
    Waste, Fraud, and Abuse…..outside the VA…..
    the nerve of some people.

  4. 41.9% of us here in Corrupt-icut voted for President Trump. Unfortunately, the big cities full of ghetto rats carried the state for the Ho’. At least some of us added to the popular vote total for President Trump.

    We’d leave if we could but age, friends and family….and too much junk, keep us here.

  5. “Rapid Response 47” love it. Winning on social media.
    Another appropriate response, “Chris, you ignorant slut”. Based on a catch phrase the moron writers at SNL got right.


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