Moron Actor Changes His Name in Order To Protest “Climate Change” – IOTW Report

Moron Actor Changes His Name in Order To Protest “Climate Change”

You know, I wasn’t taking climate change serious enough. I think after this guy has changed his name I’ve been scared straight. This kind of thing will save the planet. This is like when the Tibetan monk lit himself on fire.

Rainn Wilson probably wanted to do that, because he is brave and committed, but he figured it would be dumb to combat carbon emissions by emitting carbon. So he did the next dumbest thing.

The actor’s new name is Rainnfall Heat Wave Extreme Winter Wilson.


Rainn Wilson, the actor, made the announcement via a Twitter video on Wednesday, timed to the United Nations climate change conference COP27 in Egypt this week.

Wilson, a board member of Arctic Basecamp, changed his name via a website called Arctic Risk Name Generator which encourages visitors to become an “Arctic name changer.”

Although Wilson said of his name change “This is not a joke,” it is unclear whether the actor and activist plans to officially change his name on government documents. Currently his Twitter and Instagram handles remain @RainnWilson. His full given name is Rainn Percival Dietrich Wilson.

“With the help of my scientist friends at Arctic Basecamp, I’ve changed my name to Rainnfall Heat Wave Extreme Winter Wilson,” Wilson said in a statement. “This is not a joke, I’m as serious as the melting Arctic, which amplifies global risks including extreme weather events around the globe.”


33 Comments on Moron Actor Changes His Name in Order To Protest “Climate Change”

  1. Ya’all don’t concern yourself with that moron actor. Concern yourself with the Pope ands religious leaders have planned instead! Blasphemy!

    Returning to Mount Sinai: Ten Universal Climate Commandments ( 49:13 )
    A new Ten Commandments

    “We come to Sinai in a movement of repentance and quest. We seek a new vision for humanity and its endangered existence, and we seek to receive and amplify a message of life- sustaining living and habits that humanity needs to hear today. In this spirit, the project partners will bring together premier religious leaders from the world’s major religions to gather upon Mount Sinai to engage in a first ever Climate Repentance Ceremony, and to put forth a prophetic interreligious call to action: “Climate Justice: Ten Universal Commandments.”

    I hear the Jews have a Messiah that they’re going to bring forward. The plan is to start sacrificing…. Repent there’s a storm a coming!

  2. Leave it to someone who makes his living acting (pretending) to extend his “talent” to virtue signal to the climate gods.
    Virtue signaling is “acting” for the untalented rubes where they can believe they are actually doing something.

  3. @ Goldenfoxx

    Hmm. Man-made laws written by man’s hands and not by the hand of God.

    There goes the first commandment. They are making their own God now. Something mankind has done forever. The Pharisees and the Sadducees were guilty of adding their own rules to the bible and ruling over people with those rules. That’s why Jesus called them hypocrites, among other reasons.

    Especially relevant they are doing it on Mt Sinai where the Hebrews tired of waiting for God and Moses and made another golden calf to worship. How fickle mankind can be.

    It is written that when the Temple is re-built, they will start sacrificing there again. This will be one sign of the end times. 3 1/2 years later the Antichrist will demand world-wide worship. My currently limited understanding is that he will be the abomination the Bible tells us of in the temple.


    Remember, we are not promised to be protected from tribulations, but we Christians will be spared His wrath.

    Hot tip for a non-christian reading this – The demons KNOW God and Jesus own this universe He created. That’s another level up from having hope and faith. Yet their rejection to following and accepting His only begotten son as their savior will mean an eternity of suffering without God.

    There is no hope if you die a non-believer. Too late then. But you WILL know you made a big mistake at that point. You were created to live forever. Don’t choose hell and then the lake of fire as your permanent residence, you will regret it forever.

  4. Yeah! I remember seeing old Wilson in the “Castaway” movie with Tom Hanks. Just didn’t know his first name was Rainnnnn!

    Wait ’till he finds out that supplying a little old carbon into the atmosphere from his body on fire, is absorbed by Land and/or ocean vegetation and turned directly into life-saving oxygen from the carbon-dioxide emitted from fire.

    So, Go ‘head, Rainnnnn! Lite yourself up and help lower that mean old CO2 level.

  5. While his original name does not ring any bells, his photos do look somewhat familiar.

    Methinks his irrelevancy will increase. Unless laughing at him makes him relevant at all?

    Nah. He means even less now. Unless he lights himself on fire. Maybe then he’ll get 15 minutes of fame before flickering out completely and then be swept into the dustbin of history.

    He’ll have to get crazy to get any headlines now.

  6. Just about as effective at “saving the climate” as changing hats.

    I guess this is the kind of thing one does when one doesn’t really understand the issue and has absolutely no idea about how to do something constructive.

    A “Look at ME!” moment.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Dadof4: Believers know what to look for. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, like a thief in the night, it will happen quickly. If it were possible, it will deceive the very elect. There’s only 1 second coming, we will be caught up in the air to meet Him. The battle will be over, the climate will be permanently changed.

    Remember, we are not promised to be protected from tribulations, but we Christians will be spared His wrath.

    I agree with you Dadof4.

  8. Dadof4, great analysis of the critically depraved sin nature of man and the saving grace and mercy of God.
    You spoke from the heart in love. The mess the world’s in today can’t be fixed by men. A personal relationship with God is the only solution, so that men can be freed from sin, know God and their hearts changed.


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