Moron George Clooney Doesn’t See What Refugees Are Doing To Europe – IOTW Report

Moron George Clooney Doesn’t See What Refugees Are Doing To Europe

George Looney wants Obama to ramp up the amount of Muslim refugees entering America.

Pamela Geller-

Clooney, the self-appointed “statesman” of the moron capital of the world, has embarked on a campaign to bring a flood of hostile invaders to our shores — more, much more than the obscene number Obama has already promised. – See more 


Somehow, Donald Trump just picked up another state.


18 Comments on Moron George Clooney Doesn’t See What Refugees Are Doing To Europe

  1. I was born in Kentucky.
    Just like George Clooney, Johnny Depp, and Jennifer Lawrence.

    Yes, I was blessed with the similar good looks but for some reason I developed an abnormally high IQ for the region.

    What the hell happened to these beautiful retards?

  2. Actually, according to wikipedia, Amal (or is that Anal?) is an adherent to Druze, a quasi religious sect that has approximately 220,000 Lebanese Druze (her ‘homeland’). It might be more likely that the real reason ol’ George is so hot to allow more Syrian refugees into America is because Syria boasts between 500,000 and 800,000 Druze adherents. Just sayin…

  3. Just how many “refugees” does Looney calculate it will take to completely destroy America and put an end to his career and Hollywood forever?

    Maybe when the moslems behead that infidel, his rancid corpse will encourge the other Hollywood idiots to STFU.

  4. George doesn’t see a problem with the invaders because Italy has the toughest laws against muzzies in all of Europe. No face-coverings for wimmens, and that’s if they even let them in. And making sharia the law of the land? Pffft. This country still has crucifixes in its courtrooms.

    So George and the missus can rest easy in his mountaintop villa.

  5. Yea of course. If I lived in a gated community, flew around on my private jet, had my own personal security and never had to enter the real world then…wait never mind I still wouldn’t want more refugees.

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