Moron-In-Chief Says GOP Wants To Impeach Him So They Can Shut the Government Down – IOTW Report

Moron-In-Chief Says GOP Wants To Impeach Him So They Can Shut the Government Down


President Joe Biden made his first comments on his impeachment, telling a group of Democratic donors that Republicans ‘want to impeach me because they want to shut down the government.’

Biden, speaking at a fundraising reception in McLean, Virginia, specifically mentioned conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and her interest in impeaching him since the day Republicans took control of the House of Representatives.

‘Well, I tell you what, I don’t know quite why, but they just knew they wanted to impeach me. And now, the best I can tell, they want to impeach me because they want to shut down the government,’ he said.

‘So look, look, I got a job to do. Everybody always asked about impeachment. I get up every day, not a joke, not focused on impeachment. I’ve got a job to do. I’ve got to deal with the issues that affect the American people every single solitary day,’ he noted. 

It was his first time acknowledging he faces the possibility of being convicted and removed from office. His most extensive comments to date came behind-closed doors. No TV cameras or photographers were allowed inside the fundraiser, only a small group of print reporters. 

The White House has doubled down on its defense of the president, blasting the impeachment inquiry as ‘baseless,’ setting up a war room to combat the investigation, and sending a memo to news organizations to encourage greater scrutiny of Republican motives.


Okay, Big Guy.

27 Comments on Moron-In-Chief Says GOP Wants To Impeach Him So They Can Shut the Government Down

  1. I suppose Bidet’s only thought is his 10% – if that stops flowing it means the government really is shut down.

    So…. Maybe this one time in his life this moron has valid a point?

  2. Take note of the obvious fact that the anti-civil rights and endorsed-by-nazis-for-reelection KKK Joe Biden is addressing only his DONORS, the very same gluttonous overweight slobs who are the quacking duck’s co-conspiractors. laughable shyt.

  3. After impeachment and removal from office he needs to be tried for Treason, convicted, and hanged. Then tried for corruption and money-laundering, convicted, and hanged. Then tried for pedophilia, convicted, and hanged.

    Then his rotting carcass thrown out into some field to be eaten by vultures and racoons.

    (Sorry – I’m feeling generous and forgiving this morning)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Mentally incapacitated Joe knows Kevin McCarthy doesn’t have the acumen or the testicals to shut down the government (which is never really shut down, funding or not).

    What areas are shut down are any programs/agencies that will cause the greatest harm to US Citizens (all for political purposes).

  5. Too stupid/retarded to understand that when he is impeached, the government continues to operate. If God has mercy on us, and he is removed from the office he stole, not even the executive branch will be shut down. What a dumbass.

  6. THe stupid sonavabitch gets up every day, not a joke, not focused on impeachment, but to create the issues that affect the American people every single solitary day! The baseball cap he wears sez: “I’m just here to fuk shit up!”

  7. We should be so lucky as to have an opposition part (with sufficient power) who actually wanted to shut down the federal government. The problem is that we have TWO worthless major parties whose donors and supporters benefit in HUGE ways from the largesse and theft and power of government and its violence. The only difference is in the makeup of the donors/supporters. But if one looks really deep, one finds that they are ALL THE SAME FOLKS.


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