Moron Joe Scarborough Falls For a Parody Transcript of the Ukraine Phone Call – IOTW Report

Moron Joe Scarborough Falls For a Parody Transcript of the Ukraine Phone Call


“The Daily Show’s” tweet shows a clearly doctored version of that transcript, portraying Trump as having no idea what foreign leader he is talking to or what country he represents.

“And it’s very impressive, what you’ve done, with that country, and the people of that country. Where it is. The people and the buildings, in that country,” read the parody tweet.

But Scarborough, apparently missing the joke, retweeted “The Daily Show’s” parody tweet with a “mind blown” emoji.

Scarborough was immediately mocked on Twitter for having fallen for it.

“Major media figures falling for parody transcripts that even have the Daily Show watermark aren’t helping things,” tweeted Matt Whitlock, a Senior Adviser to the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Scarborough later deleted the tweet, but a screenshot of it was shared by The Washington Free Beacon.


It’s immeasurably more pleasurable when a smug a-hole steps on the rake and then deletes the evidence.

14 Comments on Moron Joe Scarborough Falls For a Parody Transcript of the Ukraine Phone Call

  1. @cletus – got a link? But only if it’s no trouble. Otherwise, what search parameters should I use on StartPage or DuckDuckGo? “Scarborough caught naked with dead girl intern and live boy intern in Capitol Hill office”?

    h/t gov edwin edwards

  2. You could only fall for that if you hadn’t read the actual transcript and had instead relied on the talking points list you were given. Never try to ad lib on what you don’t know, Joe. Stick with the list.

  3. that was the whole point of the ‘parody’, to get morons, like Slow Joe to claim that Congresscritters said if, so it must be true!

    it’s a fact! … you can’t argue w/ the facts! … herp derp


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