Moron Joe Tells Supermarkets to Lower Their Prices – It’s Threatening His Reelection Chances – IOTW Report

Moron Joe Tells Supermarkets to Lower Their Prices – It’s Threatening His Reelection Chances

Does this jerk think supermarkets just raise prices willy nilly? Unless they are all in cahoots, a supermarket could make a killing by being the one to lower prices.

The idiot doesn’t even know the principles of supply and demand.


‘There are still too many corporations in America ripping people off: price gouging, junk fees, greedflation, shrinkflation,’ he said at a speech in South Carolina last week.

‘Americans, we’re tired of being played for suckers and that’s why we’re going to keep these guys – keep on them and get the prices down.’

White House aides told The New York Times that Biden was taking aim at supermarkets – and that more is to come. 

A 16 percent rise in the cost of eggs, milk and other staples over the past two years has put pressure on many Americans who have complained that they’re struggling with the cost of living, despite a strong overall economy.

But prices in supermarket aisles have been turbocharged by inflation, soaring demand and supply chain issues – none of which store bosses can control.   

A recent poll showed that 35 per cent of US adults call the national economy ‘good.’ That’s an uptick from 30 per cent who said so late last year and up from 24 per cent who said so a year ago.

While that’s an improvement, it still remains lower than Biden’s already low approval rating – 38 per cent – in the same survey, with prices still too high and the president desperate for a solution before facing voters in November.

It remains unclear what the grocery chains can do given the underlying factors, like an avian flu-influenced rise in egg prices and price raising by manufacturers on things like soda and candy. 

The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City said last year that the tight labor market is also a contributor to the rising prices. 

While Biden remains aware that prices are too high, it seems he has little solution within America’s system but to complain about it to the retailers, who are facing higher profit margins themselves.

Bharat Ramamurti, a progressive former economic aide to Biden, told the New York Times there’s only so much short term Biden could do with 

‘When you have something that is driven in part by supply disruptions, what can you actually do to put downward pressure on prices?’ Ramamurti asked. 


33 Comments on Moron Joe Tells Supermarkets to Lower Their Prices – It’s Threatening His Reelection Chances

  1. SOP – Use any means necessary to make the cost of products higher, then blame the stores for increasing their prices in order to make it look like they care.

    Too bad it has a tendency to actually work. I suppose when people are more concerning about what sex they will be on any particular day, they’re just a bit easier to manipulate.


  2. Hey, MoronJoe! I know how you can insure your re-election! Tell all the citizens of the US that they are evil and you are in the process of replacing every one of us with trash from every other country, especially the ones who are our enemies.

    Tell us that these people are here to kill us and get rid of your worst nightmare … that we will rise up and get rid of you and all those like you.

    See? Don’t you think that will work just great? You will win by 100%. Every person will vote for you. I promise.

  3. I’d like to know where these assholes are shopping and finding 16% price increases. I experience sticker shock every damned time I go to the store, and can point to numerous items that have gone up north of 100%.

  4. “…facing higher profit margins.” What does that mean.

    I also question if the people who write these reports understand the terminology. I wouldn’t be surprised if they said that last year a company that took in $1,000,000 in revenue and made a profit of $100,000 but took in $1,200,000 in revenue this year and and made $110,000 in profit was price gouging and was raking in more money at the expense of consumers, when in reality their profit margin went down.

  5. I’ve been in the grocery business for 47 years. When a guy who wouldn’t be qualified to bag groceries or collect carts from the parking lot is lecturing us on how to run our businesses, you know we’re in the end times.

  6. ecp

    The assholes are fixing their data. Out here on the front lines, material and hardware quotes use to take 2 days. Now they take 2 hours. Delivery was 10 to 20 on cut aluminum plate. Now it’s 2 days max. Hows that for 4 sigma. It’s been like that for about a year.

  7. And further more, these Globalist scum bags keep claiming the invaders their shipping in here are necessary because our labor pool is so weak. If that’s the case they need to throw the 10 million new job seekers into the unemployment figures. Their data is useless. Totally fabricated. So why are our tax dollars paying for cooked books. Just more bull shit.

  8. Brad – by at least 9 million jobs since Joe took office. Minus his additional 9 million that were recovered and not created, Joe has lost 4 million jobs over his tenure, but we’re going to hear about how he created more jobs than any president in history. What a fuggin farce.

  9. Maybe half of the eight million (officially recognized) illegal aliens have scooped up jobs … so that’s about another four million which should be counted as lost. On a bright note, parents of teenagers can afford language immersion training for their kids in Mexican by just having them work minimum wage jobs in the summer.

  10. It’s hard to keep a healthy economy when everything is based on a lie. What happened to people striving for legit accurate data, no matter the out come. Now days they start with the answer they want and back into the equation. No integrity. Fing losers.

  11. The only suckers I know are the limp wristed, predominantly RINO, GOP House, Including the bend over crowd (Mike Johnson) that voted for a continuing resolution to fund Biden’s war on the United States.

  12. Why does he single out the grocers? I haven’t paid the same or less for anything since his installation. Utilities, insurance, fuel, clothing,etc. Everything cost more. Damn fool even killed the dollar stores and the dollar menus.

  13. No doubt, the only solution for ALL the supermarkets throughout the United States to lower their prices so that stupid, ill-educated, “What’s ‘Supply and Demand'” psychopathic Yoseph can get re-elected is for he and his Party to return back to slavery.

    Because…it’s all their fault!


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