Moron leftists claim Trump was golfing during raid – IOTW Report

Moron leftists claim Trump was golfing during raid

Absolute POS leftist moron aholes, following the lead of Obama taint licker photographer Pete Souza, are saying that the Trump situation room was staged and the president was golfing during the raid.

They really are deranged. And they aren’t even backing off even when they are proven WRONG, once again.

The tweet above was made by complete moron Pete Souza. Thousands of fellow morons followed suit, not knowing wtf they were talking about, as usual.

Then Souza had to report how much of a complete tool he was–

It hasn’t stopped the jerks from attacking the president.

16 Comments on Moron leftists claim Trump was golfing during raid

  1. ANYTHING to discredit the President…they are all grasping at straws as they willfully commit harakiri.

    It’ll get worse with these morons…evil-doers believe their own psychotic mentality.

  2. It really burns them up knowing that 0bama had to be dragged off the golf course by a four star general to give his royal blessing to the 0sama hunt. I bet 0bama hated seeing 0sama, a fellow America hating Muslim, killed.

  3. It took me less than a minute after hearing of the whacking of al Baghdadi to formulate the Democrat response.

    “Congratulations to our beloved military and the intel community.”

    Hours later, when the dems woke up, guzzled covfefe, and sobered up, they cobbled together that predictable response.

  4. The democrats continue to poison the soul and fiber of America. Its tiring to hear them rattle their hate of America, everyday, very tiring and that rattle is all they have now

  5. The left projects all their idiocy and hypocrisy. They’re throwing shade at President Trump because Barry O. was photoshopped into the war room during the Bin Laden mission. Barry actually spent the time “playing cards” with Reggie.

  6. When people buy into narcissistic corruption to the extent these people have, they will do ANYTHING to maintain their denial. ANYTHING.

    In fact, worse than an alcoholic. At least an alcoholic wants to destroy him or herself. With the useful idiots – they’re literally trying to destroy US.

  7. Easy to make an alleged hit on this guy, but Hillary still runs free after Trump promised to “Lock her up.”
    But Trump needed a PR action to sell to the public to make himself a hero?
    Some historical background behind all this fuss about someone the US military has been in league with big time in Syria, and still is.

  8. There is always more to the story than is ever shouted from the rooftops. Lots of details that get swept under the rug of cover-up.

    US Tries to Reverse Syrian Fortunes with “Baghdadi Raid”
    Tony Cartalucci
    OCTOBER 27, 2019
    “Stories like USA Today’s “The U.S. bought weapons for Syrian rebels — and some wound up in the hands of ISIS terrorists,” sought to incrementally spin how ISIS suddenly found itself awash with weapons and in a dominate position among Syria’s “opposition” alongside other Al Qaeda affiliates like Al Nusra.

    In reality – as journalist like Seymour Hersh warned as early as 2007 in the pages of the New Yorker – US plans from the beginning centered around the arming and unleashing of extremists against Syria and its allies.

    What is the Meaning of the Baghdadi Raid?
    Thus – at best – a US military operation eliminating the figurehead of ISIS is more akin to liquating one’s own assets rather than any sort of “victory.” Much more likely still – is that the operation is mere theater – with the US seeking relevance and leverage amid the conflict it itself engineered, triggered, and deliberately perpetuated – but now finds itself being evicted from.”

  9. You are simply pathetic tRuth. When one quotes USA Today and the New Yorker one loses all credibility.
    Fact is, that Trump did a head fake with the ‘pullout’ of Syria, CNN bought it and shouted it internationally, the rat came out of his hole, strolled about town, was identified and neutralized.

  10. These people are really stupid if they think that Trump is going to miss seeing this action live. No way would he miss being at the center of things and I mean that in a good way. He is the Commander in Chief nor did he try to take personal credit for the operation.


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