Moron Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania says lying is not protected under the 1st Amendment. – IOTW Report

Moron Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania says lying is not protected under the 1st Amendment.

I guess I’m not protected under 1A if I say that I think he is a brilliant man.

29 Comments on Moron Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania says lying is not protected under the 1st Amendment.

  1. You can’t stop people from voting stupid into office. Fetterman likes his drugs, abortions, and gay marriages. Sadly, he is a good foil for Tom Wolfie, a governor of the people but not by the people who’s death knell for seniors in PA is only exceeded by that idjit in NYC.

    How can you say an election was not stolen when 205,000 more votes were cast than registered? (And there would have been more but even they ran out of time.)

    Elections in Pensylvania (like 2 genders), as well as truth are now obsolete.

  2. “This idea that saying that Pennsylvania was ‘rigged’ or that we were ‘trying to steal the election’ — that’s a lie. And you do not have the right, that is not protected speech.”

    No, sir, that statement is a lie. Even him saying “trying” to steal the election when it was clearly stolen is a fucking lie.

    “Congress shall make NO (emphasis added) law … abridging the freedom of speech (not qualified by some pusillanimous liar), or of the press …”

    Can you read, asshole? The “freedom of speech” is NOT qualified – maybe by you, but not by the First Amendment to the Constitution. And just an aside – I would support the death penalty for any, and all, politicians accused of lying to their constituents. Well, maybe convicted …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @RogerF – according to Dershowitz the Congress violated about four law in one day…he said it set a record.

    POTUS’ Free speech was violated for one as he said.

    And The Right to a defense? Oh that was another…

    This is indeed dark times for the Constitution.

  4. Does he mean like the lie about Trump supporters being incited by Trump to destroy the capitol 20 minutes before he finished speaking from a 45 minute walk from the platform he spoke as grounds for impeachment?

    Well, this must be protected because it’s truth: Trump was impeached twice and he’s STILL your President!

  5. @RogerF – “…but since Apple / Twit / Gaggle / etc get to determine what is true, they didn’t lie.”

    And neither did the Bolsheviks…

    Have you given thought to another round two, ‘A Meeting of IOTWr Patriots’?

  6. @Ghost – yes. I am working on where / what platform to hold it on. I am hoping the BFH will let me post a survey in the near future. Maybe towards the end of the month

  7. Another shining example of how pathetic Harvard and other universities have become. This moron has a master’s degree in “public policy” from Harvard, yet has no idea of what the 1st amendment actually means.

    Like so many of our “betters” that deign to rule over us, he is just another over-educated dunce with an ivy league degree that doesn’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain.

  8. @RogerF – I’d be very interested to see a draft version of that survey!

    A survey or ‘potential meeting agenda items to discuss moving ahead’ could be quite the list.

    Send your e-mail to @BFH and then to me.

    We need some back room Tavern planning…for that meeting…

  9. A demonstrable lie requires it be demonstrated to be a lie. So, if the claim is, the election was stolen, calling the claim a lie does not make it a lie. He must allow investigation of the election in order to demonstrate the claim is a lie or is the truth. He has not and will not allow that to happen. Who, then, is guilty of incitement to violence?

  10. Between this biker guy in a bad B-movie and that Cousin Itt PA Health Secretranny, where in Hell does Pennsylvania come up with these characters?

    Rejects from Addams Family auditions?



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