Moron Makes Anti-Trump Video in Style of Japanese Kitsch and It Ends Up Backfiring On Him – IOTW Report

Moron Makes Anti-Trump Video in Style of Japanese Kitsch and It Ends Up Backfiring On Him

The quick edits where Trump is a Nazi and he blows up the world are completely lost on the majority of people on youtube who like the video. They don’t like it for its anti-Trump message, they just like it because they… like it.

Another misfire by the left.

ht/ illustr8r

15 Comments on Moron Makes Anti-Trump Video in Style of Japanese Kitsch and It Ends Up Backfiring On Him

  1. Well that was nauseating. Is one supposed to be on some sort of drug to enjoy them?

    They aren’t trying very hard- They couldn’t come up with a video for the cankled behemoth who actually got people killed ?
    I know it would be a very long video with so many victims and all, but they could have at least given it a shot.

  2. Ya know. Just where has Trump said he wanted to exterminate 6 million Jewish people-or anyone as a matter of fact. Has he ever mentioned a desire to march across Europe?

    Lefties splash swastikas on anything without a care in the world but the Confederate flag is deleted immediately from history.

  3. I loved it! But then again I like their commercials. That just looked like a typical Japanese ad for everyday stuff, like sodas, frozen vegetables and such. Textbook example which begs the question, “The Japanese: nuked too much or not enough?”

  4. Gads! For once I am glad I don’t keep up with the trends. I couldn’t take more than 26 seconds of the damn thing, and only got that far, because I couldn’t exit fast enough. Puuuuuke!

  5. Kitsch is a school of art focusing on what is generally considered bad taste, and carrying a point way too far, to the point where it mocks the attitudes of those who find it offensive, similar to satire and parody. A lot of internet memes are good examples of Kitsch art.
    ( )
    Being something of a fan for Kitsch art I loved the video, and did not find it particularly anti-Trump. In fact, quite the opposite because it’s actually poking fun at the Anti-Trumpers by exploiting their fears and attitudes.

  6. I guess the fact that all of the most successful mass murderers are socialist has escaped these fools?
    Pol Pot
    Danny Ortega
    Fidel Castro
    Raul Castro
    Ho Chi Minh
    and on … and on … and on …

    izlamo delenda est …

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