Moron Sean Penn Likens Not Wearing a Mask To Pointing a Gun in Someone’s Face – IOTW Report

Moron Sean Penn Likens Not Wearing a Mask To Pointing a Gun in Someone’s Face

He doubles down on the idiocy by stipulating he is only talking about the umasked unvaccinated, as if vaccinated people cannot spread Covid.

Would it be rude to point out to this asshole that he is not wearing a mask?

29 Comments on Moron Sean Penn Likens Not Wearing a Mask To Pointing a Gun in Someone’s Face

  1. “Would it be rude to point out to this asshole that he is not wearing a mask?”

    Were you expecting something different from a liberal? This is why no one listens to any of them. When one drops dead I rejoice! Maybe Sean should watch Michael Rappaport freak out after getting the jab. 80+ million Dims got the jab – Trump is a great salesman – The Art of the Deal. “Get the Jab Meet the Slab.” I actually feel warm inside when I see a liberal cry and squirm.

    Michael Rappaport: The most vicious Trump-hating, mega liberal, experiencing the “wake up” moment

  2. Butttt…. What if I’m pointing at your face and you have a plate of 1 foot thick ar500 steel between you and the gun that represents your vaccine?? Isn’t that why you got jabbed? for protection?

  3. If one is “vaccinated” one has no reason to fear the unvaccinated because one is immune. That’s what “vaccinated” means.

    This is pretty fukkin simple – even for a Hollyweird maggot.
    But I guess imbeciles gotta imbecile.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @ Tim AUGUST 27, 2021 AT 11:35 AM

    Next they will demand that you carry an open umbrella to protect them from rain drops even if they have their own umbrella already open

  5. Dear Sean Penn,
    Please stick a gun in your own face and squeeze, don’t pull the trigger. Oh, but please wear a mask. We would hate for you to get shit all over the place.
    Literally EVERYONE

  6. Kinda funny, but Penn used to wear Madonna’s snatch and Chavez’s ass as masks!

    That must explain his attraction to masks.
    (yeah, I’m making myself sick, too)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Tim,

    I swear I hadn’t read your comment when I typed mine. All I can say is I’m a sick asshole and I know it.

    It really would be fun to sit down with a psychiatrist and see if we could convince him to throw himself in front of a subway.


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