Moronic Leftwing Crowd Applauds a Befuddled Biden Who Doesn’t Know Who is Running For What Seat in Pennsylvania – IOTW Report

Moronic Leftwing Crowd Applauds a Befuddled Biden Who Doesn’t Know Who is Running For What Seat in Pennsylvania

As stupid as Biden is, the crowd is even stupider. They voted for him, and have no idea how dumb he is as they applaud him wildly.

12 Comments on Moronic Leftwing Crowd Applauds a Befuddled Biden Who Doesn’t Know Who is Running For What Seat in Pennsylvania

  1. Is this the H.S. he was at? There was no crowd *to* cheer for him. I think they’re all still wearing face diapers and “social distancing” too.

    You know how it’s said, “There’s one in every crowd”? Well, I think the Left hand-picked those ones and put them in their own special crowd just for Brandon.

  2. Meh. All politics, even when having “fair” elections, is name recognition. He got the names out there, that’s all that matters. If its Pavloved into them enough, they will check the name they remember even if they remember nothing BUT the name.

  3. Probably the school district’s teacher (ahem excuse me) educators union attended and brought their own transitioning kiddees to be inspected by the ruling king for breeding/sniffing approval.

    There were a few kleptocrats present as well. It don’t matter to them who the candidate is as long as endorse leftist anti-family and American sentiments.


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