Morons Condemn Donald Trump’s Sons For Trophy Hunting a Triceratops – IOTW Report

Morons Condemn Donald Trump’s Sons For Trophy Hunting a Triceratops

He also said they killed saber- toothed tigers, a wooly mammoth and a pterodactyl.

People want Trump’s kid’s hides.

ht/ nm

27 Comments on Morons Condemn Donald Trump’s Sons For Trophy Hunting a Triceratops

  1. The sad part isn’t that these people are too ignorant to realize that they are talking about extinct animals, or that they are being made fools of, it’s that they are actually allowed to vote and will probably vote for Hillary.

    People this stupid should be removed from the gene pool before they further pollute the waters.

  2. What if he told them they donated all the meat to the cave-less in Bedrock?

    If you’d like to try some yourself, you can go to Helen Waite at the Flintstone Foundation in Bedrock, Pangea.

  3. I heard they taste like chicken. . .

    After eating so many things that taste like chicken, I’m beginning to think it’s chicken that tastes like everything else. People were eating snakes and other animals long before this flightless bird came to be.

  4. I hope everyone interviewed sees that they are being laughed at for their stupidity. They will never live that interview down. They shouldn’t be allowed to vote. I also hope they read all the comments left at the youtube video, they are priceless.

  5. Oh, how I would love to hear Hillary answer that question. She lies before her brain engages, so that would be very interesting.

    Liberals bask in their success of creating a mindless, robotic, non-thinking generation of idiots.

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