Most Hated Public Art – IOTW Report

Most Hated Public Art

Building Tales

Public Art is designed to draw attention and start conversations … but sometimes the artists behind these projects may go a little too far with this idea. Here are ten of the most ridiculous, wasteful and in some cases borderline offensive public art installations in the world. Watch

25 Comments on Most Hated Public Art

  1. It’s an absolute unmitigated scandal and disgrace. Most all of it is just the left pissing away taxpayers money and then showing us contempt by shoving this absolute shit in our face and saying that we aren’t sophisticated enough to appreciate it.

  2. All this crap is, is refrigerator art without the refrigerator. Leftist hacks have hijacked public art to make ‘commentary’. Theu wind up making expensive ugly, childish garbage in our faces.

  3. Money laundering anyone??
    When you take a front-end loader full of scrap, dump it into a vat of Epoxy, call it art and get paid Big Bux for it, I’m not sure how that really differs from what Jackass Joe’s pimped-out kid did!

  4. I’ve always disliked the Le Grande Vitesse that is in GR,MI.
    Followed closely by the architecture of the building called “The Castle”, also in GR.
    It looks more like a Soviet prison, than a castle.

  5. ‘Public art’ is a scam from edge to edge. The bean in Chicago was the first ‘public art’ installation in America. Now there is garbage ‘public art’ everywhere one looks. We pay for it but we get no say in what it is beyond electing the dopes that stroke themselves by selecting it. Picasso said every great artist must have a business plan, only second rate artists can afford not to. I’m guessing the ‘artists’ that produce the ‘public art’ dreck we see all around definitely do not need business plans.

  6. @AJ — Sex. Had to be. I figure Lennon had kinks Yoko at least tolerated and accommodated if not fully shared.

    “Hit me, beat me!” said the masochist.
    “No!” said the sadist.

  7. Modern art has been manifestations of psychotic delusional episodes of the insane and scammers calling themselves “artists” for a very long time. Not a fan. A result of the moral decay plaguing the world.

    The elite progressive cabal made modern art a feature of pop culture. For example, Andy Warhol’s Campbell Soup can print. Social engineering through art.

  8. Isn’t ugly art one of the Communist/Marxist methods of destroying western civilization?

    That doesn’t relieve the tasteless idiots, that approve of these things, from derision. Never have been able to see why anyone cared for ugly art. Except to be a follower and agree the emperor’s new clothes sure do look good.

  9. Dadof4,

    You are correct:

    22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
    23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”


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