Mother Arrested After 12 Year-Old Daughter Gets Tattoo – IOTW Report

Mother Arrested After 12 Year-Old Daughter Gets Tattoo

The tattoo artist was arrested too.

Mother charged after elementary student gets ‘Jesus Loves’ tattoo.


COWETA COUNTY, Ga. – A “Jesus Loves” tattoo on an elementary school student led to the arrest of the girl’s mother and the tattoo artist.

A fifth-grade teacher at Arnco-Sargent Elementary in Newnan called police after she spotted the tattoo on a 12-year-old girl wearing a strapless dress at a school dance back in March.

The tattoo, which was on the girl’s shoulder, was a bluish-green cross with the word “Jesus” above the cross and “Loves” below it.

The girl originally told authorities that her father made her get the tattoo, and that her mother got into a fight with him after she found out about it.

The child later changed her story and said that her father didn’t make her get the tattoo.At that time,she said that she wanted to get the tattoo, and that her father had never mistreated her.

The father denied the girl’s story, and said that his daughter got the tattoo at a Super Bowl party in Sargent.

“Each of the parents had a different story and it boiled down to frankly just finger pointing,” said Coweta County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Jason Fetner.

According to Fetner, investigators were able to confirm that an aspiring tattoo artist, identified as Brenda Gaddy, gave tattoos to several people, including “a number of minors” at that party. Gaddy was videotaped tattooing one of those minors as more than a dozen people watched, Fetner said.


The newscasters at the above link ask an exit question.

“What right do we have to control anything about our kid’s bodies?”

One can’t help but think of when a parent decrees that their child is the wrong sex and begins administering hormones.

That’s a lot more impactful than a tattoo or pierced ears, yet, it is celebrated.

24 Comments on Mother Arrested After 12 Year-Old Daughter Gets Tattoo

  1. “And a decision that will be with her for the rest of her life”

    No irony or self awareness on the part of the media. As fur points out can you imagine the outrage if charges had been filed against a parent if the word tattoo would have been replaced by hormone therapy.
    I mean the little girl is wants to become an unemployed baby mama, who are we to intervene. It is truly who she is, she is just trapped in this white uninked body.

  2. How about body piercing? Is that acceptable for young children?
    Does the school, state and judicial authorities have the right to decide what a child can do or not do with parental approval?

    Although I would not allow my child to be tattooed, what rights does the state have in the decision.

    Thousand of Parents approve their child to compete in physical sports. Some children die, or seriously injured which affects them for the rest of their lives. Is the state part of that decision?

    The murder of the unborn is decided by the state and approved. Regardless of Parental approval.

    I thought the socialist mantra, “It takes a Village to raise a child” was rejected by the majority of Americans.

    Where do the rights of Parents involving your child become subordinate to the rights of the States ?

  3. I tell my kids often they can’t do things.
    Because I’m responsible for them. That’s all there is to it. “Enjoy life now, you’ll be 18 soon enough.” is often stated. They aren’t sheltered and we don’t helicopter parent, but they know at least when to ask permission.

  4. Regardless of what the tattoo depicted, all tattoos are hideous disfiguring permanent scars. I applaud the state of Georgia for making it illegal for any minor to get any tattoo and the officials in this case for prosecuting the parent and tattoo artist. If you’re an adult and you want to permanently disfigure yourself with an repulsive, hideous, permanent scar, more power too you. Anyone who does that to a child or allows their child to get one should be punished. The right thing happened here. It doesn’t matter what the tattoo depicted.

  5. Thousands of young girls are suffering from genital mutilation because Allah Loves them to be subjugated, and there have only been a handful of prosecutions in the entire Western World, much less the United States.

  6. BFH, you are spot on with the hormone therapy angle, but I think there is something else here, too. If that child had gotten a rainbow tattooed on her shoulder and claimed to be gay, again, they all would have been celebrated, not arrested.

  7. The bullshit argument that a parent can’t tell a teenager what to do with their body is idiotic. If whatever the teen does ends up causing them to be a quadriplegic for the rest of their life would that be OK too. Learn to parent you fucking idiots.

  8. Slippery slope both ways. There have to be agreed upon laws for morality and civility (based on something other than man’s whims) that the state can enforce. If not, then parents can say that the kid is their “property” and they can do whatever they want with him/her (child slavery, sex slave, pedophilia. etc.). However, if the state decides what is moral and ethical (on the whims of man), then giving a child a soft drink would be a crime, not to mention teaching them from the Bible……

    If only our Founders had established a rule of law based on Judeo-Christian ethics and morals………..

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