Mother Concerned For Son Going To Chicago To Pursue Doctorate – He Was in the City 4 Hours Before Being Shot Dead – IOTW Report

Mother Concerned For Son Going To Chicago To Pursue Doctorate – He Was in the City 4 Hours Before Being Shot Dead

The Count-

Shane Colombo, has been identified as the California man killed while visiting Chicago Sunday.

Colombo, 25, who was preparing to pursue a doctorate degree at Northwestern University, was shot and killed after being caught in gunfire between two men in Chicago.

The unfortunate death occurred in a Rogers Park neighborhood on Chicago‘s far north side, officials say.

Mother, Tonya Colombo, told local reporters that Shane arrived in the city to meet up with his fiance just hours before the fatal shooting.

“I was very concerned about him coming out here, and he was killed within four hours of being in the city, four hours of stepping off that plane,” she said. Continue reading 

17 Comments on Mother Concerned For Son Going To Chicago To Pursue Doctorate – He Was in the City 4 Hours Before Being Shot Dead

  1. This is the biggest reason my wife I talked my oldest daughter out of going to a Law school in Detroit when she was accepted to go to a Law school there about 10 years ago. She didn’t and went to Regent University in Virginia Beach instead and got her Masters degree and a husband. A young white woman from the Pacific NW would’ve never been safe in Detroilet and she agreed with us law degree or no law degree it was far better for her not to go there. This poor unfortunate young man should’ve listened to his mom and he’d still be alive.

  2. My sincere condolences to his mother.

    Now let’s wait until she leaves the room. Is she out of earshot? Good… My condolences are sincere. But… 25 year old. From California. Buying a title of “Doctor”. In Chicago. That’s the bullet the rest of us dodged.

  3. Sad, big time.

    I do not understand why the left believes that, if they can only take away *my* guns, illegal gun murders will suddenly stop.

    Why doesn’t the NRA and the right talk more about strong enforcement of the damn laws we’ve already given ’em? ….Lady in Red

  4. The community they organized revolved around a deal for the Sinaloa Cartel to have a drug pipeline to Chicago in exchange for selling them automatic weapons through Fast and Furious and taking sides in their Mexican gang war down south.

    You know – the most scandal free administration with the DoJ headed by the AG who was slapping high fives to voter intimidating Black Panthers and making intricate handshakes with Louis Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin’s funeral last week.

  5. To the idealist, know-it-all, we-know-what’s-good-for-you, we-were-born-to-rule-you, Leftists

    Ask Joe Biden, Hillery the harridan Clinton, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Rahm Emmanuel, that Usurper Chimp, Dick Durbin, Bob Menendez, and the countless RINOs who are chickenshit sneaky leftists as well….
    ….their ONLY response to this will be to take away YOUR 2nd Amendment Rights because they know better than what the US Constitution specifically details.

  6. This is how the mental defect of liberalism kills. He deserved a chance to learn in peace, to participate in the America that I know can be and the time to become unlibtarded.

    The ghetto animals that killed him deserve extinction.


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