Mother doesn’t like the way she’s told not to pet service dog – IOTW Report

Mother doesn’t like the way she’s told not to pet service dog

It seems like everyone has a service dog now.

It seems like everyone is rude in this video.

It seems like you should know, as an adult, that you don’t pet service dogs.

It seems like you should know, as an adult, that it’s legal to video in public spaces.

It seems like everyone threatens to call an attorney at the drop of a hat.

50 Comments on Mother doesn’t like the way she’s told not to pet service dog

  1. I had rep a few years ago that told me how cool he thought it was that he could declare his bulldog as a service animal and then he could take him anywhere. That all by itself isn’t the reason I’m not working with him any longer, but it is an indication of the difficulty in finding real men to sell tools.

  2. If you don’t think Labs can get territorial you have another thing coming. Retrievers in general. My favorite dog breed, Chesapeake Bays are the worst. Had a Chessie that saved my young wifes ass one time. I trust dogs. I don’t trust people. Fuck off Libtard.

  3. OK, now here’s the score:

    I raised the preeminent Chocolate Labrador field trial dogs for twenty years. At one time there were five,or six, FC/FTCH chocolates in the US and Canada. Four of them were out of my stock. Youngest chocolate FC ever and the highest point FC chocolate bitch EVER.

    I like dogs.

    This fucking “service dog” shit is out of control. What is more, I do not want to go to a farmer’s market and have a dog that just got done licking it’s asshole drooling over produce. I don’t want to go have to jump a German shepard in front of Cabelas that has just attacked a ten year olf. “Dog friendly,” fuck off and send these attention seekers elsewhere to get their dose.

    If you are invited to my home for dinner: Leave your livestock home unless it is on the menu!

    I was warned that this European bullshit was coming to America as less and less people had kids here by a “world traveler” about three decades ago.

    I have absolutely nothing against pets, I really like working dogs… but I am fed up to the gills with a stupid bitch with a reel out leash with 20 feet of cord apologizing about her fucking undisciplined mutt that has wrapped it’s leash around my legs in Homo Depot. And I am not nice about it.

    And then there was the black lab that dived across the table and grabbed pancakes off my kid’s plate at the Rotary breakfast held in Grocery Outlet’s parking lot during Ellensburg Rodeo a couple years back.

    FED THE FUCK UP doesn’t even come close.

    I now have Homo Depot’s number on speed dial and call ahead and request ADA accommodation: I will be there in ten minutes and am cynophobic, I need to have the store cleared of all dogs except service dogs, which means seeing eye dogs, before I arrive because I have a disability that is medically validated… and they are forbidden any further inquiry or they expose themselves to a huge lawsuit.

    I live in scewball leftist land and it has gotten so bad around here that this is text of an email I had to send:

    I was in the restaurant yesterday and during the short period I was there no less than four dogs (pets) were brought into the place. I walked in and ordered and paid for a breakfast sandwich from the display case was seated by the front door and fireplace. I had a few bites of my sandwich and went to use the restroom and on the way pass a woman with yet another dog, this one was standing on a woman’s lap w/it’s front feet on the table licking off a plate and your waitress had to see this. She was right there. I used the restroom and left immediately.

    Please refund my Discover Card

    (1) Except as specified in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, live animals may not be allowed on the PREMISES of a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT.

    WAC 246-215-06570: Methods—Prohibiting animals (2009 FDA Food Code 6-501.115).

    The response:

    Hello John,
    Adam Xxxx here in response to your disagreeable restaurant experience at our cafe this last Sunday.
    We will of course refund your money onto the discover card you used. The cafe reopens on Wednesday and you can reach both Megan and myself via house phone at 206 xxx xxxx.. anytime after 9 am… As a baker Iam usually there until about 11.. am , Megan until about 1 pm.
    There are several “anxiety therapy” canines that frequent our establishment… believe it or not there’s even a miniature pony that sometimes pays a modest visit … to the delight of our customers young and old..
    I understand that your experience was unfortunately colored by some of our “animal” patrons.. to the degree that a financial refund was not only relevant , but necessary.
    I look forward to your phone call Wednesday and will return your money promptly…
    Thanks again for your earnest input as to your experience at Sxxxxxxxxn ..
    Adam Xxxx

    Fuck them and their bloody pathology that I can diagnose as being in the grips of Attention Whore Syndrome. Where does that leave the legitimate cases? It puts the ball in their court and it puts the onus on them to get this shit regulated and by that I mean substantial fines for bullshitting their way around it with a vest they got off the internet.

    As for “pet friendly” Homo Depot and Cabellas, WTF does someone need to drag their mutt into the store for?

  4. Most Retriever trainers I know won’t touch Chocolate. Dumber than a box of rocks. Most trainers rank labs Black, Yellow, won’t touch a Chocolate.
    Personally with Labs I think Yellows, or Whites (I own One), are head and shoulders smarter. A fxcked up breed actually. If your thinking about buying a Lab, make sure it’s an English one. Chesapeakes are a far superior breed.

  5. Never, ever pet a strange dog without the owners permission whether a service dog or not. I don’t know how many times kids have burst out of a crowd and jumped my dog Sarah and it’s only been their good luck that she’s the most easy, laid-back dog I’ve ever owned. Adults that don’t understand this rule and parents that don’t teach it to their kids need to be slapped.

  6. Wow, good to know! Thanks!
    Wished I had this advice in a really redneck bar years ago, when service dogs had a whole ‘nother meaning,,, still under (3 day grace period ’till the 25th)

  7. NO, The dog will give you permission. Out of respect I will ask the owner. But the dog is in control. If the dog is not digging me, I would steer clear. Quite honestly dogs love me and I love them. But I see a lot of service dogs that are wagging their tails like they want to lift off when they meet me. I always make eye contact with the owner and ask permission. And i’ve met service dogs where I’ve thought wow this sucks, this mutt belongs in a duck blind. Like I say, I love retrievers.

  8. In a way all dogs are service dogs. Properly managed and cared for, a dog’s ambition is a job instructed by the owner. All dogs I’ve worked with are most happy and least stressed when they are under command.

  9. Been bitten 3 times by yappy little toys after being told “they won’t bite”. BS.
    Agree with ‘The dog will give you permission’.
    Unless the ‘owner’ is a screw-up that hopefully has never had a child let alone a pet.
    Never had issue with Sheps, Labs, Pits or boxers. Only with idiot owners that treated the pet as a support tool.

  10. @ Bad_Brad December 22, 2018 at 2:01 am

    An “English Lab,” particularly a “classical English retriever, is universally and almost without exception a plug. I wouldn’t feed one of the pieces of shit.

    Never thought I would own a brown dog. Was shooting trap for money and traveling the western US and in my travels was looking for another lab because my Lady was getting up in age. Saw the sire at a pheasant trial in Colorado and looked at bitches he was going to be bred to… and the rest is history.

    I shot north of a hundred pheasant plus chuckers, quail and waterfowl off that bitch for fourteeen years and Hasty’s Annie Oakley produced some really superior chocolates. It really got good when I went to Cosmo (FC Dare to Dream) and then back to chocolates and got half litters of really dominate chocolates.

    I wouldn’t feed a chessie, the bastards are too territorial and don’t work well with other dogs.

    I was a 4H kid and when I had a chocolate bitch that could satisfy me I decided to go all out producing chocolates that could dominate and I was successful. I quit the breeding program when the kids came along in my late 40’s. But when I was in it, I owned it. And I can honestly say that when I was in it a guy could buy a chocolate from me that would dominate. Period. Full stop. But it took flying my bitches all over the United States and Canada for a hot date to get there and it also took going out to solidly genetically blacks and then back to chocolates or chocolate factored blacks to get there.

    I’ll do it again some day, but probably with pointing dogs next time. An old man can’t hunt behind a pack of seven flushers like I did. I’m a killin motherfuckin machine when I am on my game and in the 90’s the Regional and State champion belt buckles I won in trap shoots didn’t mean as much to me as the money that meant I didn’t have to work and could hunt all season.

    I left Tacoma one year to hunt in SE Washington and met a couple guys who had seen my dad shooting birds out of Lewistown MT, so we went there. Then to Bend OR and hunted upland and when we got to Portland I had an invite to shoot waterfowl on Sauvi Island and called my girlfriend to come down and change out the dogs. 52 days after I left to go shooting I got home…. and my GF was pissed. But there is a reason I was single when she met me and she knew that if I couldn’t get time off work I would quit.

    You can talk all the shit you want about chocolates, but Abbys Little Cooper won a Qual before she was two, the first qual she was entered in, and then “aged out” and won the first open she was entered in and made FC her next out.

    Fuck you and the horse you rode in on and the dog you hunt behind, there was a day when I maintained a pack that consisted of six chocolates and one chocolate factored black that there was no one in the world could enter a field and leave that field with more birds in their game bag than me and I have literally hundreds of people who would testify to that and if you wanted to limit me to one dog I would have been able to take any one of the seven out and school ya. And thems are the facts Jack.

    It ain’t that I was a AA class shot, although that helped, it was those brown dogs and they were nothing to trifle with.

  11. Funny – I was just in WallyWorld and someone was there with a service dog (naturally it was well behaved) and a couple of dorks were in there with their puppy – not well behaved and barking his fool head off at the service doggie. WTHell? It’s a store. Why are you bringing in your ill mannered puppy who probably weighed in at 25 lbs? I love animals but I’m really getting tired of seeing them in stores.

  12. “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on and the dog you hunt behind, there was a day when I maintained a pack that consisted of six chocolates”

    More power to you. If you found a couple Chocolate Labs with half a brain cell good for you. But what I’m telling you isn’t just my opinion. I’m hardly new to the retriever game. Doesn’t sound like you ever gave a Chessie a fair shot. My first Chessie retrieved well over 350 ducks the first year I had him in the blind. And I shoot a shot gun like shit. Most of them doubles. I will admit the reason I don’t own a Chessie right now is because of their aggressive behavior. But that will be my nest dog. Research Butch Goodwin and Gambler’s Dilwyn-Stacked Deck. Then let’s talk.

  13. PS
    Sometime you lung a duck he’ll dive to the bottom of the rice check and grab what ever it can to stay submerged. A lot of times they’ll die down there and never float to the top. But that Chessie came up with a unique way to solve that problem. He;d watch where the ducks hit the water and if they didn’t come up he’d walk backwards dragging his front paws until he kicked the duck loose. That mutt looked exactly like Michael Jackson moon walking. Provided absolute hilarity in the duck blind. But 9 times out of ten he’d bring them back.

  14. By that I mean I shot north of a hundred pheasant off that dog PER YEAR. For years. I shot an Ithaca 37 20 in those days and could run behind the dogs. Today with the steel shot regs I shoot a 37 ultra Featherlight 12 if I hunt upland, when I hunt upland, but that has been not so much. Been concentrating on big blacktails the last couple Seasons.

    Deer are fun, but once you pull the trigger… the Seasons over. Now that I have kids I can’t just quit my job, that is why I buy a lottery ticket once a week. But in five years I will be retired and can locate our RV just right so that I can enjoy the best of both worlds… all through the hunting season.

    It’s all about the family through the summer where it is and I can only locate it so I can hunt blacktails on the weekends and go to work Monday through Friday. Once I am retired, you do the math. I’m going to put that sumnabitch where I can shoot birds within a half hour in one direction or go west and climb into one of my deer stands before sun up.

  15. JDHasty
    Hunting with ANY dog and becoming partners with them is a special thing few experience. I appreciate anybody that’s lived that. Didnt mean to piss you off. Good night.

  16. Service dogs are not used by the blind, only. I have a nephew and niece, who are diabetic. They share a trained service dog, that helps monitor their glucose levels. Their disability is invisible to the public. Their service dog cannot be ‘left in the car’ and monitor them while they go shopping or to a movie or other public place.

    Some service dogs are trained to detect on-coming seizures, the onset of PTSD, or other invisible health problems.

    But service dogs are much more than cute pets; they trained animals, prescribed by a physician for a specific reason and trained for that specific reason. They may be allowed in public places, but they are not allowed to run amok like spoiled ‘children’. They are on duty and act like it.

  17. Service dogs are working dogs.
    At least the real ones are.
    When you are out in public, meaning outside, people can walk away from people and their dogs. In a store, not so much.

  18. I have a service goose.
    He is so well trained that he screams every time I go out into the yard.
    No kidding.
    But I can’t take him into Wally World or Restaurants because of the blatant racism leveled against geese – that and he shits … well … like a goose.

    izlamo delenda est …

  19. Liberals ruin everything by using legitimate therapies as a means of entitlement, it’s just who they are. That should not de-legitimize the fact that authenticially trained service animals are the one tool that has prevented the most suicides of wounded warriors nation wide for over a decade now.

    Not that JD is wrong but that we live in a world where everything is poisoned by marxism. At least legitimate service animals are making a difference in scale important enough to disregard the phonies.

  20. My six year old English yellow lab has been in ICU for a week at NC State. Herbicide poisoning from a yard nazi in my neighborhood. I need a Christmas miracle. Please pray for Grady.
    Hes my best friend.

  21. Tell a kid not to pet a dog? When it comes to kids, dogs should be listed as “Attractive Nuisances” the same as swimming pools are and the owner should be sued severely if the dog bites!

  22. Please God let me be the person my doggo thinks I am. They are a gift, but we screw them up with our own frailties.

    We have a Tennessee wandering mutt. Best the vet and trainers can figure, shes a St Bernard Boxer mix. She came to us 8 months ago, and she has made it shockingly clear she will lay her life down for us. She breaks my heart most days. Her trainability is amazing, and they’ve asked if we would be willing to have her examined for the service field. My youngest would never speak to me again, no hyperbole in that, so no.

  23. There was a story a couple weeks ago about a passenger being turned away at the airport ticketing counter because she wouldn’t travel without her full grown support peacock. Not kidding… SMH

  24. JDHasty is one of the few here making real sense. BB is the real box o’ rocks around here. To be clear, there is something pathological in those that anthropomorphosize their pets treating them as if they were their human children. That’s just mentally unbalanced. While they themselves are unlikely to personally do harm to another they will make every excuse in allowing their animal to make nuisance or do harm to someone else. Sick.

  25. I lean more towards JD Hasty’s side here. I like my dogs, but I don’t much like others dogs because far too often they’re annoying and/or mean. I do not want to eat with a dog, twice within the last few years I’ve been in a restaurant with a stupid dog with a stupid vest on and it has ran away from it’s owner and grabbed food off the table.
    Three times within a year my grandson has almost been bit by someone’s dog out in public and it’s not because he tried to pet it, because he’s been taught you don’t pet strange dogs. The first time he was walking with me, holding my hand, with me in between him and the dog, and the dog came after him, not me. I jerked him up and informed the owner if he wanted that dog to live he would get it the hell out of here. The second time we were at a race and were walking to the bathroom and some idiot thought it was smart to leave an 8 year old kid holding the leash of a pit bull, I pushed him behind me about the same time a stranger grabbed the dog, while the owner comes running out of the bathroom claiming the dog won’t bite. The third time was in Lowes and suddenly a dog came out of nowhere growling and snarling with a stupid ignorant young woman running behind it saying it won’t bite. This time I happened to be on the tool aisle and the dog would have eaten a pipe wrench if she had not arrived.

  26. The dumb bitch’s don’t know the law. That mall is a public place. All recording is legal in a public place. Just wave at the security camera on the way out the door. The mall doesn’t need your permission either.

    I hate stupid people with attitude.

  27. We had a 12 foot deep swimming pool in the back yard and the dogs would dive to the bottom and retrieve… all day long. Diving ducks were no problem for them. I have seen decent Chesapeakes on upland game, but they are few and far between. They just are not very well represented when it comes to being good field trial dogs. I have heard a lot of well they don’t do that well in trials, but they can beat labs in the field. Yeah, and I have also heard from a lot of guys who couldn’t break 15 targets at trap who never miss on live game and that is why when I managed a hunting and firearms counter I kept hip boots handy. The bull shit gets real deep at ti es

  28. Just the first Google page of FCAbbys Little Cooper, a dog I gave to a friend as a pup Note the National qualifies for years:

    View events this dog has placed in. – – Online …
    1st: NAFC FC AFC DOTTIE RAY’S IVY LEAGUE. 2nd: FC ABBYS LITTLE COOPER. 2nd: MIDNIGHT CONTENDER. 2nd: Field of Dreams Shotgun Ryder. – Online Retriever Community

    Event Type: AKC Field Trial | Event Secretary: Cindie Little 907-479-5278 | View … 4th: FC AFC PATTONS BLAZEN ABBY MH …. 4th: Teak Cooper Kruggerand …
    View events this dog has placed in. – – Online …

    2008 NRC Qualifiers – The Retriever News
    MOTO, LM, J Scott Anderson, Portland, OR; FC-AFC REMMINGTON’S DUK … Eugene, OR; FC ABBY’S LITTLE COOPER, LF, Stephen Abouaf, Jefferson, OR …
    2006 NRC Qualifiers – The Retriever News

    FC TWO STEP’S COCKY LITTLE DUDE, L.M., Jan Schrader and Linda Noga, Madisonville … FC ABBY’S LITTLE COOPER, L.F., Stephen Abouaf, Roseburg, OR
    2011 NRC Qualifiers – The Retriever News
    … LF, Chester and Charlene Koeth, Montrose, CA; FC JAZZTIME EMPTY WALLET, LM, Steve Bechtel, Jr., San Francisco, CA; FC ABBY’S LITTLE COOPER, LF, …
    [PDF]2008 NRC Callbacks – The Retriever News…/2008-nrc-callbacks.pdf

    DOLL, LF. FC ABBY’S LITTLE COOPER, LF. Stephen Abouaf John Henninger. 15 FC-AFC VINWOOD’S DONT LOOK ETHEL, LF Mike Kammerer Danny Farmer.
    Hunting Lab pedigree
    Chocolate Labrador Retriever Stud Dog HRCH UH Firedup Little Deuce Coupe ….. HRCH UH Star Lab Coursers Abby Girl …… FC Abby’s Little Cooper

  29. Talk to me when you have a dog qualify for even one National,

    2009 Field Trial Results

    97% of Tru-Line trained dogs have been on the Derby List

    TruLine has 106 Derby points this year, and 18 wins

    FC Abby’s Little Cooper “Abby”
    Over 30 All-Age Pts
    Qualified for two nationals
    First titled chocolate female in 35 years and she did it at 3 years old!

  30. JDHasty – as one who has just been around sporting dogs and what they do, just a little, I am in much awe of your accomplishments. Had a German Shorthair Pointer and got to hunt with him for a bit….awesome dog. Now have a Standard Poodle – who could’ve been a great retriever as well.

    For what it’s worth, just wanted to note that.

  31. Am so sick of dogs in stores and restaurants. Fake service dogs everywhere, saw a dog in my local Kroger with a “service dog” vest with a big patch on it that said “pet me,, I’m friendly”. That is not a service dog. Sick of all the dogs in Lowes and Home Depot, why on God’s green earth do dogs need to come to the home improvement store? Dogs in restaurants are a whole different category of grossness. I can choose to avoid PetSmart because of all the dogs, but i apparently cant choose to avoid dogs everywhere else.

  32. @ Aunt Liz December 22, 2018 at 6:56 pm

    The dogs were with me all the time and hunted hard. I was incorrigible, but when in college we all had all the meat we wanted. And I know how to cook it. I would bring in pans of Tarragon Pheasant in buffet strength and would throw all the thies and legs in a kettle with spice and bring that in another day and had whole bears made into pepperoni except the hams that were smoked and taste like corned beef. So every morning I went to the freezer and put a big handful in my backpack. Bears were something I got the bug for for a while. I always had people looking for me for jerky or pep and usually had plenty. I would make about sixty pounds of deer or elk jerky and lots of Italian sausage out of them.

    The labs and hounds were like iron and tougher than hell during the Season and worked like a well oiled machine. I rarely had to talk to them and used the whistle sparingly. They knew where they fit in. To the best of my knowledge I am the only guy who hunted a pack of seven or eight flushing retrievers and it would have never worked except my reflexes are very fast and the dogs were second to none anywhere in the world. I had dogs that would be sent after a wounded pheasant and left behind and would rejoin a half hour later by scenting our trail with a bird in their mouth.

    Looking back I don’t know where I found the time. I was a AA class trap shooter and ran to shoots that paid well and shot rifle silhouette for kicks when there wasn’t a big trap shoot.

    The dogs were with me almost always, BUT never in stores or other people’s homes or at BBQs and I worked them on breaks, at lunch time and whenever I had a break.


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