Mother of Breonna Taylor calls BLM ‘fraud’ – IOTW Report

Mother of Breonna Taylor calls BLM ‘fraud’


The mother of a black Kentucky woman shot by police last year claimed this week that Black Lives Matter is a “fraud” organization and that activists have exploited her daughter’s death for financial gain.  more

12 Comments on Mother of Breonna Taylor calls BLM ‘fraud’

  1. Marxists (Nation of Islam) NAACP, HBCs, Black Identity Movement, Black Panthers etc legalized and justified black bigotry to all other races in the late 50’s/early 60’s.

    Black hatred and bigotry to all other races has been tolerated and encouraged for 7 decades.

    None of this is new, its just been unleashed to the point where blacks are now set to burn down every area where they are the majority and openly attack other races.

    Look at the current Marxist inspired Black on Asian attacks, and the vicious attacks on whites across our nation.

    Talk about Bkack privilege. The Marxists want a race war and as usual have their obedient race to perform it.

    Prepare for America to burn as a national Black uprising is coming to a town near you very soon.

  2. So, does being called a fraud by a black person make it any more true? I don’t need conformation from a black. Because I’m white calling Burn Loot Murder a fraud is racist? Then I suspect racism is growing exponentially. FU blm.

  3. I’m trying to figure out who the real fraud is. I suspect the mother is on a par with BLM. As the old joke goes: “We’ve already established what you are. Now we’re just dickering over the price.”


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