Mother posts video of her 8 year-old scaling border wall replica, proving nothing – IOTW Report

Mother posts video of her 8 year-old scaling border wall replica, proving nothing

The purpose of the video was to say, “Orange Man Bad, Orange Man Stupid.” But it’s the mother who comes off looking stupid.

In the video the girl clearly uses the side of the wall in order to get to the top, something that won’t be available to illegals. The girl also has a safety harness on, a mental advantage that would-be criminals won’t have.

The girl is an expert climber. I’m not sure pregnant women looking to drop an anchor baby are going to be scooting up the wall like a 50 pound juvenile.

Also, the girl didn’t just trek through the desert.

I’m not seeing the girl’s loudmouth mom following her up the wall. (Are we really worried about the influx of lone 8 year-old rock climbers sneaking into the country?)

So much stupid in this smug video. The wall is not fool-proof, no wall can be. Does that mean we just leave the border open as we create our total welfare state?

The left needs to be eradicated.

Video HERE

32 Comments on Mother posts video of her 8 year-old scaling border wall replica, proving nothing

  1. @JDHasty
    OCTOBER 10, 2019 AT 12:51 PM
    “Topping it off with a couple coils of Concertina wire (razor ribbon) is cheap… just saying”

    The video I’ve seen of on-going wall construction shows exactly that.

  2. Does that mean we just leave the border open as we create our total welfare state?

    Yes. Or nothing more expensive than a knee high picket fence. (Stakes & twine will do fine, thank you very much.) The Germans proved the efficacy of mechanical machine guns in Berlin, more than 30 years ago. And our tech’s better, now. If it moves between the border and the robo-guns, it gets shot until it stops.

    The left needs to be eradicated.

    Yes. Yes, it does.

  3. Or we can put up signs saying “Welcome to CANADA-Bienvenue au CANADA !.
    The stupid invaders will think that they have just about gone too far, turn south for a few miles and settle down in their new illegal American home.

  4. The “Left” on this planet has never been eradicated. I’d like to see a serious proposal on how to do it. Because, if it were, we would probably be capable of a million-year civilization.

  5. All in for building the wall, but this is a sh*tty design. one can still defeat it by scaling with a grappling hook , or spreading the pickets apart with a hydraulic jack. Once again people Trump depends on have sold him a bill of goods.

  6. A 10 year old girl climbed El Capitan. that proves mountains are not an obstacle to anyone wanting to get across them.

    FWIW, the girl’s being assisted by someone on the other side keep ing the rope pulled tight and probably assisting by pulling on it too (not like simply climbing a rope tossed over, more like climbing a fake rock wall at a climbing gym where you are not going to slip and fall because your partner has the other end of the rope and can just keep on climbing if you do).

  7. This article proves that liberals not only lie through their mouths they also lie by their actions. The girl was wearing a harness attached to a rope and was clearly pulled up by someone hiding off camera. She fell several times and floated in air. Also very few illegals are rock climbers.

  8. watch how Trump explains how the wall is built. They must have forgot all about hydraulic jacks. yessiree.

    id like to see the jack that could damage it. Concrete and rebar are in each tube. Sure, they maybe be able to scale it but not the fat or female or out of shape. We will only get the healthy ones.

  9. The mother, if I can call her that, doesn’t mind her daughter teaching invaders how to defeat US defenses and how to break our laws. Next up drilling thought a bank vault door to assist a robber. Thanks MOM

  10. #Burner
    You can burn that rectangular tubing and peel it away from the concrete, then beat on the cement with a sledge hammer until the rebar is exposed, and then burn that off, but by the time that all takes place, the sensors embedded in the infrastructure have alerted a shit ton of border patrol agents.


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