Mother raises insufferable pr!ck, is confused – IOTW Report

Mother raises insufferable pr!ck, is confused

Protein Wisdom: First clue is that the author, Ronnie Cohen, is a freelance journalist from San Francisco. The second one is what is glaringly absent from this whole hot mess.



I can do nothing right in my teenage son’s eyes. He grills me about the distance traveled of each piece of fruit and every vegetable I purchase. He interrogates me about the provenance of all the meat, poultry, and fish I serve. He questions my every move—from how I choose a car (why not electric?) and a couch (why synthetic fill?) to how I tend the garden (why waste water on flowers?)—an unremitting interrogation of my impact on our desecrated environment. While other parents hide alcohol and pharmaceuticals from their teens, I hide plastic containers and paper towels.


37 Comments on Mother raises insufferable pr!ck, is confused

  1. She sounds proud of what she has unleashed on the the world. She just articulates it in an underhanded way because she thinks she is amusing. She is boasting to her fellow leftists that her loathsome son is more leftist and fascistic than theirs. I hate the left.

  2. The kid is set up for suicide or life in a mental hospital. There is no way the ‘world’ will take the time to continue to coddle his ideals. He will no doubt be crushed by the weight of the ‘real world’ once he is sent on his path from college.

  3. I just kept thinking about Cory’s assigned freshman roommate at Brown. Poor kid. Cory’s mother may now feel Relieved, but what about that poor unsuspecting 18-year old she has unleashed her demon spawn upon?

  4. If the story isn’t satire and is true then I hope Mom loves her son because assuming he graduates from Brown (isn’t that one of those east coast clown colleges?) he’s going to be with her forever.

  5. Throw his little ass out of the house.

    Next time, marry his dad. It takes a man to keep a son from turning into an insufferable jerk. I mean, one time “mudding” in a 4X4 or an afternoon at the drag races, and the little fiend will eschew all this greeny-weeny BS.

  6. I know how I’d like it go with the roommate:

    Cory: Polyester clothes? OMG! You really must replace those with natural fiber, preferably hemp.

    Earl (the roomie): Who gives a rat’s ass? I like these clothes.

    Cory: But…But…think of the chemicals and pollution and stuff you get making polyester! What about the baby otters?

    Earl: STFU

    Cory: No! I won’t shut up until you acknowledge the damage you’re doing to Gaia!

    Earl: [*BIFF* *POW*]

    Cory: Owwwww!

    Earl: Pick up your teeth. Here’s a paper towel.

  7. Lazlo: “Here’s your dinner”
    Jerkwad Kid: “Hamburgers? You mean dead cow, I ain’t-”
    POW! Backhand to the face
    SLAP! The other side gets one too.
    The Burger goes on Lazlo’s plate.
    Jerkwad child goes hungry

    Problem solved
    Repeat as necessary

  8. 1. This whole eco crap is a religion to the hopeless.

    2. All the “eco” experiences taught were 2nd and 3rd hand. Theory amongst the city. If this child had actually lived in the wild, he would learn by example, not theory. Reality vs. make believe.

    3. This “religion” fosters ugly “fundamentalists”.

  9. Upon learning my friends got an allowance for doing chores, I broached the subject with Dad at the dinner table.
    He looked me square in the eye and asked:
    “You buy the groceries?
    Does it rain on your head when you are sleeping?”
    Never asked again.

  10. Mary Shelly wrote a book about a self created monster in 1818, she called it Frankenstein. Interactions with Frankenstein’s Monster didn’t turn out well for either side.

    I can’t stand brats. I could never stand to watch movies like Problem Child or similar genre movies.

  11. Thanks lady for unleashing this monster on the world. I hope that Darwin is right and “survival of the fittest” kicks in because this “kid” ain’t fit for living in the real world.
    I hope he is walking across the country to his school!

  12. I worked with a guy named Mark. He said that one day his Dad told the boys (6 boys 1 girl) it was time for dinner. He said “What are we havin?” and his Dad screamed “DINNER!” and beat his ass all the way down the stairs.

    He never asked again.

  13. My daughter was, too. She has learned as she has matured, but she is also extremely bright and not prone to believing all of the leftist twaddle she heard in University (in Canada, not U.S. – if that makes a difference?)

  14. Ya know….relieving ones sexual tension has always made the Tiger a Tabby…..somehow there’s pussy intertwined with both of me allegories…..I’ll consult with Allister’s wife…..she has a fine set of Toucans and a rather randy set of mandibles….on display in her mandible-display thingy…..I think there’s some vintage cabernet some where…..OOPS, Allister’s wife, Mona, just bent over to rack it out of the wine cellar…yep, it was a Miller lite….UMMMMMMM HUMMMMMM…

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