Motivation For Hating Capitalism Isn’t Compassion, It’s Envy And Resentment – IOTW Report

Motivation For Hating Capitalism Isn’t Compassion, It’s Envy And Resentment

Federalist: With the 2020 presidential election around the corner, Democratic presidential hopefuls and lawmakers have put forth bold proposals such as returning the top marginal income tax rate to 70 percent, levying wealth taxes as Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have proposed, or “taxing the hell out of the wealthy” as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio put it.

Others such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claim that capitalism is “irredeemable” and a system that “allows billionaires to exist” is “immoral.” Sanders recently declared he does not think “billionaires should exist.”

Warren went further when she told voters they could attribute frustrations in their lives to the rich and powerful: “You’ve got things that are broken in your life; I’ll tell you exactly why. It’s because giant corporations, billionaires have seized our government.”

Many have also noticed the uptick in support for socialism among Democrats as well as the increasing popularity of candidates affiliating with the “democratic socialist” moniker.

What Matters More: Compassion or Envy?

Supporters often contend their motivation is compassion for the dispossessed, and they reason their tax proposals would protect democracy and raise revenue for social programs. With such a rhetorical focus on the rich and powerful, however, critics ask if the motivations are simply about compassion or whether envy and resentment also play a role? more here

8 Comments on Motivation For Hating Capitalism Isn’t Compassion, It’s Envy And Resentment

  1. How much more does Bernie Sanders (Dil) and Elizabeth Warren (Do) make than the average worker? It’s a common denominator. Workers make less than the Owners and their CEOs. If a worker does not like it, they can become an Owner like I did. Very easy to do in this beautiful Country! So, get a life or move to a commie/socialist Nation.

    I like this system just fine! It’s called, Free Enterprise.

  2. Millenials hate capitalism because it’s woke and trendy to hate capitalism. If it was envy and resentment for them, they wouldn’t support millionaires like Warren and Sanders

  3. If we only tax the hell out of liberal billionaires I’m all for it.
    – Yes. I have resentment.
    – Envy? Not so much. I appreciate things people have done to earn wealth.

  4. If you plan on running for the mayor of crazy town you have to appeal to the local lunatics. Sane people love capitalism because they make it work for themselves and they have self respect.

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