Motocross Star Jayo Archer Dies Practicing His Iconic Triple Backflip – IOTW Report

Motocross Star Jayo Archer Dies Practicing His Iconic Triple Backflip


Only three people are known to have executed a triple backflip on a dirt bike, and Archer was the first to do so in competition back in 2022, per the Guardian. You can watch the moment here, which occurred at the Nitro World Games in Brisbane. After the feat, he grabbed a microphone and proposed to his girlfriend.

 “This is so much more than a competition and a trick to me,” he said, per People. “I’ve dedicated my whole life for the last three years doing this. … I’ve had a lot of obstacles, a lot of broken bones, a lot of knockouts, but I tell you what, I would do it 100 times over to relive that again.”

19 Comments on Motocross Star Jayo Archer Dies Practicing His Iconic Triple Backflip

  1. RIP.

    I once did a half front-flip coming off a 20 ft jump. Weight just a tad too far forward. The left handlebar bullhorn end went into my mouth and plowed my face into the ground. Snapped my palette in half like a potato chip, cracked my eye sockets, giant black eyes, spent 10 days in hospital with a concussion. Jaws wired shut, 7 root canals. I was alone when it happened in the middle of nowhere, 3 miles from the park parking lot. Woke up after god knows how long and dragged my carcass out of the woods, flagged down the first car and he drove me to the hospital. Ran into that guy a few months later at a bar and bought him a beer. The incident ended my trail riding career. I was in college at the time, missed a month of class, and oddly enough that semester I got the best grades ever.

  2. That sport has gotten way outta control. I raced amateur back in the days of Roger De Coster. Even podiumed once. Everything they do on a dirt bike these days will kill you if you screw up. Keep your kids and grand kids far away. It’s an easy progression from cow trailing to doing stupid shit.

  3. RIP, he died a showman. While many people attend races for a test of man-and-machine there is a strong morbid streak in humans that wants to be there for the “spectacular crash.”

    They are not called “Dare Devils” for nothing and sometimes the Devil wins.

  4. I had twenty some fractures in both legs, back and neck fractured, jaw broken, teeth knocked out and right hand had to be reattached. My buddy was on the brink of being picked up by Honda for a factory ride when he shitmixed himself. I know a few other guys who have gotten busted up on motorcycles, they all say the same thing: When you know it’s coming your mind comprehends everything is in slow motion.

    They thought I’d be in the hospital for a month and then convalesce for another three. I escaped after eleven days, but not without a fight with my doctor. Rode around in a wheelchair for the better part of a year though. Nothing much I could do about that. Never stay in the hospital any longer than you have to, you can catch shit in there that kills bastards.


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