Mount Up For Super Troopers 2 Trailer – IOTW Report

Mount Up For Super Troopers 2 Trailer

Super Troopers 2 youtube screenshot

It took a successful Indiegogo campaign to bring them back, but the boys of the Broken Lizard comedy troupe have made their sequel to their sleeper hit of 2001, “Super Trooper.” Slated for release on 4/20 (pot humor) you can watch the trailer for the new film Here



12 Comments on Mount Up For Super Troopers 2 Trailer

  1. There’s a funny story about Super Troopers. Back when my youngest son was about 13 my wife took him and his friend to see that movie because my older son said they would think it was good. Well, my wife was so shocked at what she took those two to see she didn’t know what to do except sit there quietly and hope it ends. She finally is taking his friend home and tells him ” I bet your mom and dad will be impressed with what we saw”, and he said heck, “I’m impressed with what we saw”. I still remind her of that.

  2. I don’t usually see movies in the theater, but I will for this one. I’ll probably even take the day off work and see the first showing at 11am so there won’t be a bunch of dumbasses in there and I can enjoy it.

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