Mountain Lion Stalks A Guy For a Heart Pounding 6 Minutes – IOTW Report

Mountain Lion Stalks A Guy For a Heart Pounding 6 Minutes

27 Comments on Mountain Lion Stalks A Guy For a Heart Pounding 6 Minutes

  1. If that’s stalking, that cat ain’t catching much. Looks more like, get the fuck out of here. Maybe cubs around?

    None the less, reason # 6754 to carry a large caliber gun. Hell I even pack when I’m single track riding.

  2. @ MMinAR, I wondered the same thing about the stalking. Was the cat was just concerned about its cubs and was just moving the guy along until he was out of its territory? I think the guy handled it well.

  3. Uh, when you can’t see the ears of ANY feline…it aint’ good!

    Did not know they could lunge like that as a defense mechanism, because the was a defensive ‘get the hell out of here or I will eat you instead’ offensive gesture.

    Definitely cubs @MMinAR.

  4. I had a very large cougar pass in front of my van a few years ago on my to Eureka, Mt. alongside the road by Lake Koocanusa. I saw the cougar a couple hundred yards ahead of me and I slowed down to let him pass on his way across the road towards the lake below. I was glad I was in that van with the windows rolled up because the cougar looked at me and I looked at him thankful that nothing was going to happen. It was a large cougar probably 7-8 feet long with its tail and and about 3 feet tall, I wasn’t going to mess with that critter.

  5. Wanted to add that is why it ran back, because of the exposure of the cubs and the female feline reached the it’s defensive perimeter.

    Anyone else having trouble with the edit function ‘click’?

  6. They are finding them all over the place here in Boulder. They come down from the mountains to feast on all the deer that have found a home in the yards of people who think they are cute. Two of the beautiful beasts were treed by yapping doodlesomethings about five hundred feet from my abode. They became a tourist attraction for a day. This guy was lucky.

  7. The guy was smart not to turn his back as big cats are notoriously prone to attack from the rear. It’s so bad in some countries that villagers working in the forest gathering firewood wear masks painted like a face on the backs of their heads.

  8. Wild animals are definitely to be handled with caution. The guy did the right thing by retreating while facing the mountain lion.

    Years ago, I used to post on a real estate blog and one of the readers there was the lady who got mauled by a bear on her own property in California. It was a real nightmare for her and I remember her commenting that when the bear attacked, she realized that it had been stalking her for a while, and that she had a sense of being watched, but had shrugged it off.

  9. Near where I lived, bicyclists were getting jumped from behind all the time. 1 or 2 killed, some injured. One guy made it out fine because he was wearing a backpack. They like to trail you and go for the neck.
    Bad kitty!!! Bad!!!

  10. You’re being stalked by a mountain lion and you’re videoing the whole encounter??? Something is not right here. Not saying that the situation isn’t what it appears to be, but….if it is, then this is the Youtube, selfie generation taken to an extreme.

  11. Due to fires around us, wildlife are coming down into the community. Bears, cougars, lots of deer looking for food. Everyone is on watch and are keeping their pets in. Coyotes have found a few tasty meals in the hood.

  12. Hiking in cougar and bear country is probably safer than walking in South Side Chicago or South Central LA.

    In the first case, you may need only bear spray, in the second, definitely a firearm and hope you’re not outgunned.

  13. From the looks of that pic, how dangerous is a two-legged cougar?

    Billy Fuster – when I worked at the wildlife rehab clinic back in the 90’s, I also volunteered a large cat rescue sanctuary. First thing they taught us was to never turn you back to a cat and to always be aware of your surroundings and keep your eyes peeled for a weapon, like a rock or a large stick.

    That was my first thought, he had rocks galore surrounding him.

    One day I turned my back on a juvenile panther, about 45 lb male, because someone called me from outside the habitat. I looked for no more than two seconds and felt something bash the back of my head. It stunned me for just a second, but someone else was in the cage and pulled him away. Never did it again.

  14. I was stalked by a cougar once …. in a bar. She wasnt protecting her cubs. In fact, her cubs were already on their own. And it seemed like she wanted to have more cubs, judging by what we ended up doing

    To make a long story short, she turned her back on ME. Then one thing was led into another. In the end, I survived the ordeal with a few minor scratches

    This all happened before cell phones, so I dont have any video of the encounter


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