Move Over Corn Pop, Big Mama’s In Town – IOTW Report

Move Over Corn Pop, Big Mama’s In Town


During a speech Monday regarding trucking supply chains, Joe Biden bizarrely claimed that he used to be a truck driver, had an 18 wheeler that he drove around, as well as a colleague called ‘Big Mama’.

In one of the most flagrant examples of Biden just making up stuff, he said “I used to drive a truck. It’s a long story – anyway… and I thought I was gonna get to drive one of these suckers today,” while motioning to one of the prop Mack trucks behind him.

Biden also claimed “there was a guy who ran steel from Deemer Steel out to Ohio, and so I decided to ride out with him and see what it was like on the strike, and I was driving, going through Shiloh, Ohio.”

He continued, “Anyway, that’s another story too. Look, it’s getting harder and harder to recruit new drivers, particularly women and people of color, to an industry that this nation and our economy desperately needs at full strength.”


24 Comments on Move Over Corn Pop, Big Mama’s In Town

  1. Hollywood is so in bed with this administration, failed script writers are assured positions as speech writers.
    I’m longing for the days that the teleprompter would commit hari kari, like it did during Bam-Bam’s speeches.

  2. Joey couldn’t even drive a Tonka toy truck let alone a kid’s big wheel toy truck. But I’d bet he could do a real groovy “Keep on truckin” move like Mr. Natural. Hey, hey, hey… He’d look real bitchin bustin a move in bellbottoms and high healed pimp shoes. He’s a bloody lying POS, lying about everything. What’s it going to take to call him out and point out that the bozo in chief has no clothes and is dumb as a box of rocks? And I haven’t even got around yet today to saying how much I despise the worthless jerk.

  3. This asshole has been in congress since he cheated his way out of law school; so when did he have time for a job as a truck driver? But I am sure the Washington press corps is scrambling to uncover this latest mystery.

  4. Kcir, the original Tonka trucks were more than likely painted with lead paint. One of my brothers still has his Tonka trucks from when he was a kid. And rat fink I first heard the word shit from a farm kid classmate who was telling me about his dad’s manure spreader (he called it a shit wagon) when I was in 3rd grade in Ephrata, Wash. about 1962 or so.

  5. Rat Fink, the farmers kid’s last name was honest to God Finke, pronounced Fink E. I thought that was funny at the time. If I had a last name like Fink I think I’d want to change it after I grew up. One of the tough guy river boat men in the old Davy Crockett series on Disney was named Mike Fink.

  6. “….it’s getting harder and harder to recruit new drivers, particularly women and people of color, to an industry that this nation and our economy desperately needs ….”. Why do these nimrods have to inject race into every stinking thing?

  7. TRF, it was…oh you know the thing—anyway, make the radio, make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the — the — make sure that kids hear words…anyway…

  8. I’ve started driving big rigs as a child. Then finally my aunt bought me a bulldozer to match all my yellow trucks. Thats when my career as a heavy equipment operator started. I also once saw a shooting star which I believe made me an astronaut.


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