Mr. Booze – IOTW Report

Mr. Booze

Robin and the 7 Hoods (1964)

14 Comments on Mr. Booze

  1. Women’s Christian Temperance Union slogan:
    “Lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine.”

    My response:
    “Well that suits me, Sister, ’cause I don’t want your liquor anyway. I got my own.”


  2. It’s only about 4:30 so Mrs. RadioMattM and I still have to wait an hour and a half. However, we are ready. I made my world-famous Nash Cosmopolitans last night and they have been chilling in the freezer.

    I saw that movie when it was new. We lived in Germany and the AFN had not yet discover television. I saw more movies (in a theater) then than at any other time in my life.

  3. @Bobcat:

    Regarding the Drinking Light 🚨 being ON, I recommend drinking heavily, but in moderation, of course, until such time as the Drinking Light 🚨 indicates OFF. 👮 🏃 😓

  4. Spotted Peter Faulk.
    We’ve been watching old Colombo episodes on the Peacock streaming now included in Comcast. Thaose and the old Alfred Hitchcock shows are better than what’s on currently.

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