Mr. Pinko asks: Trump or Rubio? – IOTW Report

Mr. Pinko asks: Trump or Rubio?

Mr. Pinko asks: Trump or Rubio?

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64 Comments on Mr. Pinko asks: Trump or Rubio?

  1. Trump, with NO reservations. If only to spit in the faces of the traitors in both parties, the White House and MSM. Trump gives enough of a hell to fund his own campaign and owe no man. He is a successful businessman who has finely tuned experience with leaders of all types including foreign, he has a unique ability to surround himself with successful, intelligent and experienced people, and he tells it like it is and is already calling the shots, and has stood up to GOP and media nazis, even in this campaign phase. There is NO excuse to to vote for the same old same old. I am weary of being abused by, and lied to by career politicians who are whores to the highest bidder, with only a few exceptions.

  2. Trump.

    Rubio is good during debates but off mic he’s completely untrustworthy on immigration and I sense that he wouldn’t stand his ground to pressures from establishment RiNOS.

  3. Well to be honest I prefer Mr.Pinko. I trust him to do what he says. Butt.
    I’m going with Trump, I just hope he is not just trying to get elected then do whatever he wants to do.

  4. I went digging this morning for more info on Trump and the black vote.

    This was a good summary of SurveyUSA’s polling data from American Thinker:

    “Donald Trump has exposed the greatest fault line in the Democrat coalition: the conflict of interest between blacks and advocates of a borderless immigration policy. The competition for jobs at the lower end of the education and experience spectrum pits those two groups against each other, with the outcome being depressed wages, a widening income gap, and disastrous levels of black unemployment among younger black males in particular. Employers generally prefer Hispanic males over black males for perceived (fairly or unfairly) differences in work ethic and attitude toward authority. With millions of poorly educated Hispanics accustomed to low wages and a low standard of living streaming into America, you don’t need a PhD in labor economics to sense the result. Notice also that TRump garners 41% of the Asian vote.”

    It also doesn’t take a PhD to extrapolate that legal Hispanic immigrants don’t want their wages depressed by illegals who will work for even less. Well, at least those who aren’t sucking up the taxpayer’ freebies.

    And here is the other data given in the poll by SurveyUSA:

    It is a curiosity, if you look closely at the “Strong R” voters who would vote for the Hildebeast. In this question, it seems there are “Strong R” (conservatives?) who would take her over Trump. I wonder if we can call them the pouter vote? Interesting.

  5. We’d be better off with him doing whatever he wants than we are now. I’m ready to give Trump carte blanche. He’ll need it to undo what the crap done to our country by the RINOs, the LSM and the Marxists.

    Rubio – NOOOO, just no.

  6. I would suspect those who identify as Conservative in this poll are much like bruce jenner who identifies as a woman or rachael dolezal who identifies as a black.

    Any self-identified conservative who votes for hillary over any republican candidate would be classified as suffering from psychological or emotional problems (much like jenner and dolezal).

  7. Oh yeah, Trump here.

    He has made the boldest, most unequivocal statements about border security and the illegal alien problem. And his detractors have seized upon the negative spin of Hispanic-hater, but he’s talking about Syrian “refugees” among others, including the Chinese who book an anchor baby vacay (“Maternity Tourism”)*. His published stand is out there for all to see. He doesn’t attempt any soft sell by talking about “conversations” or “bi-partisan” this or that; we all know how well those avenues have worked. Rubio will get a full-on body slam on this issue alone.

  8. Uh oh…..too much pro Trump on this site. Be prepared to be called the “trumpreport” or something by the likes of Soopermexican, Rick Wilson et al. The only politician running I like is Cruz, so that leaves out Rubio. Trump it is! Trump is more likely to do at least some of what needs doing, while Rubio is the younger Romney…..looks and sounds good but will toe the GOP line.

  9. Isn’t Hillary a Democrat? Trump is far and away the best Democrat running. If I have to vote for a democrat, it will be for Trump.
    Now, if you toss in a Republican, like Cruz or Carson, my answer would be different.

  10. you are correct… ‘the only politician running I like is Cruz’ for me also….but I’ll take Trump over Cruz…..Trump ain’t a ‘politician’ & he may be the only one to stop the Clinton Mafia

  11. Rubio = Amnesty

    Cruz is my man. I will not take time out of my day to go vote for Rubio. If he’s the GOP nominee then I’ll go fishing or see a movie or anything but waste my time voting for an amnesty pusher

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