Mr. Pinko Fixed the Fight … – IOTW Report

Mr. Pinko Fixed the Fight …

… Since he found out Ronda Rousey was a Bernie fan.
She got her ass kicked!

Ronda Rousey knocked out by Holly Holm in staggering UFC upset
Details here

More highlights HERE

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37 Comments on Mr. Pinko Fixed the Fight …

  1. I was once 23 years old with a wife and two kids and living in Okinawa, Japan (unaccompanied). Nah, I was never stupid enough to be a Liberal. I couldn’t survive.

    It seems only those are usually liberal can afford to be liberal.

  2. I should add I was always a conservative but that’s because my family was a conservative dynasty. They held public office. My dad was Sheriff.
    We all are lifetime NRA members.
    I do agree kids today need to man up. But I think Rousy could kick my old

    Oh and thanks for your service Gunny.

  3. Never a liberal. I had some liberal notions here and there, but never believed in collectivism or socialism.

    I wasn’t 28 in the 50’s. Neither was Ronda Rousey.

    I’m not sure what you’re saying. We shouldn’t challenge people who are 28 when they support Bernie Sanders?
    Why not?

  4. Im going to assume she has no idea what socialism is. And yes I agree get in touch with her and set her straight.
    Bernie is pandering to people and the young believe the crazy old bastard.
    And I still think today 28 is young.

    It’s way past my bedtime and I am going to call it a night.
    Please don’t take offence I did not mean it that way.

  5. I was always a conservative, as soon as I understood anything at all about politics. I think my father must have given me a version of the school-grades-socialism argument at an early age. I am a little ashamed that I didn’t realize just how biased the media were for many years, though. I didn’t really notice until Fox News came along how bad things were. Now I think of Fox News as a bunch of RINOs.

    I have to say, I was starting to get a little annoyed with Rhonda Rousey when she said she could beat Floyd Mayweather, departing from her previous statements that it would be wrong to even get in the ring with a man, because of the spousal abuse implications. I thought she was right to dismiss the idea, and she shouldn’t have taken the bait. Then she started to get pretty full of herself. Pride goeth before a fall! Then there was that Bernie Sanders revelation, and I wrote her off, completely . Good job, Mr. Pinko!

  6. I was always conservative. I guess my parents taught me right and wrong and I have common sense so there was no way I could be leftist. I think we need to stop calling them liberals. There is nothing liberal about them. They are authoritarians, so I call them leftists. Or assholes, dipshits, etc.

  7. Rousey thought she would get a big bump in ratings if she pandered to millennials and other progressives, instead all she got was a big bump on the head. Another thing, she probably wanted to appease the Obama administration to keep out their crosshairs. She needs to be schooled about socialism and being a hypocrite while she’s recuperating. Sometimes consequences for making stupid decisions happen quickly.

  8. Something about women boxing and MMA that doesn’t sit so well with me. I wouldn’t deny of them the chance, hey knock yourselves out, so to speak, there’re grown women but I won’t watch.

  9. Growing up in the deep south, my family were closet Republicans, the only Republicans I ever knew were my ‘rents and blacks.
    Not saying they weren’t any conservatives, everybody was conservative. Just belonged to the old Democrat party, as soon as the Democrats started supporting far left Prog loons, those who didn’t support the racists and loons came out of the closet and openly campaigned for Republican candidates. The Dims figured this out damn quick and that’s when the party of Lincoln who freed the slaves became the racists and the Democrats became the ‘benevolent plantation owners’ who took pity on the poor blacks.
    No, southern Republicans are not the old racists of Dixie, they were Democrats then and remain so today.
    You can put a new coat of paint on it, repaper the rooms, install indoor plumbing but it’s still the same old shack.
    I was there, coming of age in a country broken by political and social turmoil, don’t mind me. Prefer to believe my eyes and empirical evidence over a lying politician.

  10. I grew up in a household where both parents were Democrats and big union members. I was the black sheep of the family. I was never a Democrat or voted Democrat. We were taught to make our own way, to be dependent on ourselves. My parents were against welfare and wanted their dinner plates broke. As for Ronda, well it was her decision to get into the ring and get her lights turned on. There’s a winner and a loser, voting for a loser makes you a loser. BTW, I was born in 1950.

  11. Actually, Ronda’s support for Bernie was a symptom of what we in the medical community call being “soft in the head”, a condition that made her vulnerable in this type of situation.

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