Mr. Pinko says why he’s not so confident in Obama – IOTW Report

Mr. Pinko says why he’s not so confident in Obama


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16 Comments on Mr. Pinko says why he’s not so confident in Obama

  1. I watched this ass holes speech tonight on my computer. Normally I steer clear because he makes my skin crawl but gun laws effect my income so I watched. It made me sick to see his dumb ass in the Oval Office where great men have served. Reagans gotta be spinning in his grave.

  2. I noticed this portion of his speech in the iotw text:
    “Next, we should put in place stronger screening for those who come to America without a visa so that we can take a hard look at whether they’ve traveled to war zones.”

    So does that mean he plans to screen the 12 million or so (or 30 million…) ‘undocumented’ people here? I can only assume so.

  3. Almost as bad as my new I phone. I killed the last one for that shit. You would think this one got the warning. But then again that cost me a bunch of money. Now Im getting a little paranoid

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