Mr. President, Declassify Documents on Russia Collusion Now – IOTW Report

Mr. President, Declassify Documents on Russia Collusion Now

American Spectator:

6 Comments on Mr. President, Declassify Documents on Russia Collusion Now

  1. Todays MSNBC tells tell this much. NBC and its anchors and daily paid guests like Elise Jordan and Wallace are apoplectic with back-stage apprehension. Hi John. Magnitsky A,B,C and D block desperation to pre-change the subject and prevent discussions is revealing. Looks like lots of dollars involved. And Spreading the dough. And buying media presence with presents. Java juice and egg salad sandwiches for breakfast.

  2. Hold Steady Patriots and save your disgust and powder.

    Fore, in about a little under two months from now, after Sessions let’s them enjoy their Rehoboth Beach vacays in August and we all get past Labor Day, we will see a potential political Armagedden in preparation for the November elections.


  3. Strike Strozk while the irons hot. He is in the current news cycle as being an arrogant SOB. The time to take him down is NOW!!!!! It won’t be long and he’ll be yesterday’s news, if he isn’t already.

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