John Schnatter says it was a ‘mistake’ to resign as Papa John’s CEO – IOTW Report

John Schnatter says it was a ‘mistake’ to resign as Papa John’s CEO

ABC /CNN: Papa John’s founder John Schnatter said it was a “mistake” for him to resign.

In a letter to the pizza chain’s board obtained by CNNMoney, Schnatter accused the board of not “doing any investigation” and said its decision to remove him as chairman was based on “rumor and innuendo.”

Last week, the Papa John’s founder resigned after he admitted to using the N-word on a conference call with marketing agency Laundry Service.

In his letter, he said Laundry Service wanted to hire rapper Kanye West to represent Papa John’s in advertising materials, but Schnatter wasn’t on board with the idea because West uses the N-word in his lyrics.

Schnatter claimed the agency asked if he was racist, and he used the N-word in describing how KFC’s Colonel Sanders used to talk. Schnatter said he wouldn’t ever use that word — although he just had.

He also alleged that Laundry Service tried to extort Papa John’s by threatening to go public with Schnatter’s comments. Laundry Service didn’t immediately return CNNMoney’s request for comment.  MORE

15 Comments on John Schnatter says it was a ‘mistake’ to resign as Papa John’s CEO

  1. He apparently has been set-up by a cut-throat board of directors and an unscrupulous marketing company. Who knew these types of organizations existed?

    It speaks well to him that he is still naive enough (even after making a billion dollars) to be flim-flammed like this.

    Dump them and start a new company named “Daddy John’s Pizza” or the “MAGA PIZZA Company.”

    Okay what should he call it?

  2. Name of new pizza chain? Shut yer pie hole.




    Try to appease the left. It’s a sign of weakness and vulnerability which is blood in the water for these voracious carnivores.

    As for a rich black man owning a laundry service…
    I already saw that show in the 70s. Weezy was pretty funny.

  3. Schnatter needs to start up a new company with the understanding that we The Deplorables will make him wealthier than ever … even as we bankrupt the un-American company that just railroaded him

    That’s the only way to stop these SJW sniper attacks

  4. “rumor and innuendo.”

    That is the currency of society in 2018.

    Because the bulk of the verbal are idiots. The ones keeping their own counsel, remaining mute from the afray, those of the ones will ultimately pass judgment. In unmistakable terms. Woe to the morons. They will be swept aside.

    There will not even pass aside the moment for wailing and gnashing of teeth. They will be consumed.

    This will be our joyful noise unto the Lord.

  5. @lazlo

    Can we steal deplorable for use in a new restaurant across the street from the Red Hen in Lexington VA? Deplorable Rooster.

    I know. Red Hen is so two weeks ago.

  6. He’s a zillionaire. If he wants to start a new business, best of luck to him. But I’m not going to be a customer. This isn’t the first time he’s made this same category of error. And, from his own explanation, he still hasn’t learned why he keeps failing, in the same way.

  7. As soon as he came out as being some kind of conservative, they put a target on his back.

    Any organization that is not actively conservative becomes liberal over time through a process that usually involves a robust college recruitment program of credentialed but uneducated activists.

    The organization will do what it will but he still holds 29.4% of the company’s shares.

    Looks like he’s hired a bunch of eggheads, euroweenies and bean counters. High probability of commies when you’ve got former ESPN employees, foreigners and hyphenated last name clones of Laurie Bream from Silicon Valley:

  8. About a month ago, our local news profiled a black Uber driver who claimed that a passenger scrawled the n-word on the back of his headrest while he was driving.

    Interviewed for two news cycles. An astute reporter might have asked, can I see your MP3 player for a minute? And count how many “artists” on his playlist made a million dollars by rhyming words like figure, bigger, gold digger, trigger so that they could close their couplets with n-words to help gauge the height of his dudgeon.

    Of course, if he really wanted to start a conversation, he should have just literally written “N-Word” in the headrest. Saying “N-Word” is as bad as saying the n-word. N-words get real upset about it.

    M-words. O-words. Not so much.

    The driver was then extremely upset that Uber, who did not commit a crime, did not offer to fix his car seat which he claims cost over $2,000 repair. To repair a 2″ x 6″ piece of graffiti on a headrest.


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