Mrs. Butterworth “Under Review” – IOTW Report

Mrs. Butterworth “Under Review”

USA Today

Add another venerable brand to the list of companies under review.

After decisions by Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben’s to overhaul their imaging in the wake of renewed calls for racial equality, Conagra Brands announced Wednesday it has “begun a complete brand and packaging review on Mrs. Butterworth’s.”

Though there have been debates over Mrs. Butterworth’s race, some have associated the shape of the brand’s syrup bottles with the offensive “Mammy” racial caricature of stereotype for Black women.

“The Mrs. Butterworth’s brand, including its syrup packaging, is intended to evoke the images of a loving grandmother,” Conagra Brands said in a statement Wednesday. “We stand in solidarity with our Black and Brown communities and we can see that our packaging may be interpreted in a way that is wholly inconsistent with our values.” More

36 Comments on Mrs. Butterworth “Under Review”

  1. Everything normal and stable has to be destroyed and removed from public consciousness in order to make the public pliable and easily manipulated into a new way of thinking and acting.

    A new way of thinking and acting as determined by those in high places, the Senior Management that rarely makes its presence known and acts through its visible minions in places of public influence and power that institute the actual orders.

    It’s a control thing that is like an octopus with its tentacles everywhere and with the body nowhere to be seen.

  2. “…packaging review on Mrs. Butterworth’s.”
    she has a package?

    it is fucking corn syrup with chemical flavoring.
    no one cares about what is inside the jug, just how it looks.
    Or, how they want you to think it looks.
    that is what they are doing today- figuring out how to keep selling nutritional crap.

  3. Ain’t never met any black Butterworths.

    No matter what action they take, it will be called racist. Make her caboose smaller and shave the bottle down from 16 oz to 12 oz? What are you saying..that black women have fat asses?

    There is no appeasing crybullies.

    They got mad when companies started selling white chocolate. “We just can’t have nothing” they said.

    That’s what made the Onion’s post so funny about Jemima being replaced by a black female attorney named Sheila who likes pancakes sometimes.

    “Get over it” is not a phrase in the black lexicon.

  4. Easy fix: Leave the same chemically flavored recipe inside, change the shape of the bottle to a turd and call it “Mr. Pile of Shit”. Obama can be the spokesman.

  5. Next are Mr. Clean, the Jolly Green Giant, the Keebler Elves, Little Debbie’s snack cakes, Mr. Peanut who has already been whacked, Betty Crocker cuz she’s a symbol of white oppression etc. etc. Everything offends the left, they hate everything and everybody.

  6. I said this yesterday on another thread. They’re going to go after mrs. butterworth. But I don’t know why conagra threw themselves under the bus.
    It’s a bottle shaped like ‘grandma’.
    They explained it themselves, yet still got rid of her.

    This is so dumb!!! And it’s not going to stop until people quit throwing themselves into a volcano. This has nothing to do with race, this is just a small group of people trying to push others around at a whim. It’s a mental sickness. Stop catering to these people!

  7. I love it when a leftist crusade comes together and results in the opposite effect. Ask yourself which way race relations are headed today. Frankly, for me I’m sick and tired of hearing and seeing all this black cause bullshit. It’s worn out its welcome and is headed in the opposite direction. But that’s just my opinion.

  8. Mrs Butterworths is in a clear plastic bottle, color neutral if you will. It’s the color of the syrup that is truly racist…and FFS Log Cabin syrup wouldn’t be a Log Cabin without the multiple deaths of innocent trees….

  9. Nothing is too small to avoid the censorial gaze of totalitarians and their wannabe tattle tails.

    Everything you ever posted on social media or documented by e-mail is subject to review decades after the fact.

    You will be judged by a jury of scimitar wielding digital jihadists of ex post facto wrongthink or felony wrongthink by association.

    Have you now or have you ever posted comments on IOTW? The Left’s hatred of McCarthy was out of envy for his power

  10. Imagine they remove the coloring so the bottle is full of a clear syrup, then it will be racist for making Mrs. Butterworth white!

    The left thrives on these “heads I win, tails you lose” situation. You’re always better off telling them to go butter their own worth.

  11. Will they be outlawing shoeshine next?
    I remember when I was a kid we had a jockey out front, dad did paint him white at some point. Don’t ever remember being racist in my life.
    But somehow I know a thug when I see one.
    Some people have way to much time on their hands. When you’re busy trying to provide for your family you don’t have time for a bunch of crap like this. Cancel EBT, start home schooling, make father’s responsible for their kids and some of this would go away.
    Real maple syrup is the only way to go.

  12. Log cabin syrup has to go. Log Cabins represent a dark time in our nation of manifest destiny, when evil white European settlers committed genocide against the peaceful indigenous native Americans. Racism, straight up. (Sarcasm)

  13. From time to time, I do the arts and crafts fairs and on occasion, you will see jemima and butterworth syrup bottles painted. Conagra actually had special edition labeled bottles for different holidays. Usually Easter, Christmas and Independence Day.

    Miserable people like to see other people miserable, too.
    Don’t let assholes steal your happy.

  14. Oh Hell, just take every black symbol/spokes character and change it to white and rename them. Then watch the wokes and black “activists” blow a headpipe screaming racism. There is no satisfying this mob. Maybe it’s time to stop turning the cheek.

  15. Just imagine yourself being offended and “triggered” by a syrup bottle.

    Maybe they should repackage this stuff AND slip some Xanax into the recipe at the same time.

  16. What are the odds that the entire US buckwheat crop will be burned to cinders one day for “social justice”? And that a bunch of democrats will hold the international buckwheat futures when it happens?

  17. Last Sunday’s comics had a black female teacher for Dot and Ditto in Hi and Lois. I would think the left leaning ones would want MORE not LESS presence of ‘people of color.’

  18. Christ on a crutch. Why doesn’t looking at their own black ass in a mirror trigger the morons? Wait….I bet if they could wake up white some morning they would.

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