MS-13 members hacked up one victim and cut out his heart, federal indictment says – IOTW Report

MS-13 members hacked up one victim and cut out his heart, federal indictment says


More than 20 MS-13 gangsters and associates have been indicted on federal charges of racketeering and murder for allegedly taking part in a violent Southern California crime spree that an indictment unsealed this week says included the slaying of one victim who was dismembered and had his heart cut out.

Nineteen of the defendants are in the country illegally and entered the country within the past four years, Hanna said. He added that many of the victims are recent immigrants.

President Donald Trump has spoken frequently about the perniciousness of MS-13 and its relationship to illegal immigration.”We’ve been doing this — look, we have been removing MS-13. They’re monsters,” he said Monday when asked about recent action by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “We’ve been removing MS-13 by the thousands during my administration. And I tell my people — it’s much easier to go the other route — but I say, ‘Focus on the criminals. Focus on the people that are killing people, that are causing crime. Focus on them.’ “

The defendants are members and associates of part of the gang that operates in the San Fernando Valley, he said. All but three are 24 years old or younger, he added.


20 Comments on MS-13 members hacked up one victim and cut out his heart, federal indictment says

  1. There are plenty of videos out there of what these cartels do to people.

    And though I have seen some shit in my time, one of those cartel videos holds the top spot for the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen.

    They are animals and are void of humanity. The law doesn’t adequately protect innocent citizens from what they are and do.

  2. What an accident if they were flying back to where they came from. and wanted to exit the plane over shark-infested waters? It would be as if they never existed and justice would be served cold.

  3. They are terrorists of foreign origin and they are here, on our soil, in our country. All that is needed is an official declaration that they are indeed terrorists, and they can be dealt with appropriately. (that was a hint to our POTUS)

  4. 30 second and 1 minute adds need to be made. Make them as graphic as possible. Cut between the savage reality and Democrat Politician promising to open the borders then end it with a legal immigrant saying “this is not about race, it’s about law and order and saving the country that I call home”.

  5. Descendants of the Aztecs and the Maya
    They do not surprise me with their butchery
    I will show them Viking ways
    I would Coyote Hill these bastards
    Hang them up from four poles each, face down (so they can watch) about five feet high.
    Cut them from sternum to pubic bone and let their intestines out.
    Use trail cams to watch and place bets on your favorite coyote
    Enjoy your medicine, Julio

  6. They’re just damned lucky the Mosiac law of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth doesn’t still apply. Because they also would have their hearts removed as part of the penalty. MS-13 gang members need to be treated like rabid dogs and hunted down and killed anywhere that they’re found.


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