MSM May Kill The Messenger—But Not The Message – IOTW Report

MSM May Kill The Messenger—But Not The Message

Vdare– The overwhelming silent majority of American citizens who are immigration patriots have been wondering for years when someone would tell the truth and force the Main Stream Media to confront our post-1965 immigration disaster. But probably few of us expected it would be Donald Trump.


Trump is the subject of an increasingly hysterical hate campaign for daring to mention illegal immigrant crime. Journalists are calling Trump a “racist” instead of confronting his common-sense message—that a country which can’t control its borders is not a country.

This kind of reaction testifies to a kind of psychological problem with our Main Stream Media. “Shooting the messenger” is really a well-documented attempt to deny a feeling of powerlessness and escape reality:  MORE

25 Comments on MSM May Kill The Messenger—But Not The Message

  1. If I owned a dog with hair like that on his head I’d have ta’ shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards.

    But that being said, he is saying what most Americans are thinking.

    Carly Fiorina Condemns Donald Trump for Comments on Mexicans – She is an idiot. I have thought so since her days sitting on Oprah telling the world what a great job she was doing running HP

  2. Like Kramer said, “he’s like Woody Woodpecker, he’s an INSTIGATOR” Well about damn time! Rattle the RINO CAGE and FORCE the rest of the GOP candidates to show their true colors—which is most cases is a bright, fluorescent YELLOW

  3. I really think we ought to have open borders…just as soon as we bury the last remnants of the welfare state and achieve nationwide constitutional carry by repealing every last gun control victim disarmament law.

    That’s going to be a while.

  4. Whenever people rail against someone or a cause we support they either ignore the actual statements or misstate them. This is intentional, because the statements stand on their own. We need to force the opposition to specifically state the words that they oppose.

  5. Cross ole Carly of the presidential list. I was willing to giver her a look at VP even with her disastrous spin at HP. But now that she has slammed Trump over his stand on criminal invaders for a possible pat on the head from the Republican RINO Circus Clowns: well and farewell!

  6. She impressed me as a no talent, affirmative action hire back when I used to see her on television when visiting my mother or sister’s homes. That was a long time ago and he hasn’t accomplished anything to change my mind since.

  7. He IS saying what needs to be said: things conservatives want to hear.

    Too good to be true? Maybe.

    Look at his donation records.

    Democrats. Including Hillary.

    In my ever-to-be-humble opinion – fuck Trump and the wave of hair he hung ten on. Not trustworthy. Look behind the curtain.

    I believe what people do over what they say. Especially politicians.

  8. Trump did the same thing last time he ran, then he quit. He does not want to be president. He just wants a soapbox to stand on an bitch. Which is great cause he is pro business and so am I. But he won’t run, he’ll drop out like last time.
    He has every amenity the president has. So why stay in the race.

  9. Although I’m not supporting DJT for president, I have to admit that I’m just loving the fact that he has so much money he can say anything he wants.

    Mass lib head explosions in 5, 4, 3, 2…….

  10. We need Trump to stir the Pot, shake things up and get reactions from both sides.Steal the limelight get the libs off balance.Keep em occupied and Entertained.Will we vote for him? Who knows, way to soon…Big surprises yet to come.

  11. “Hey Brad how did you comment in an earlier comment? ”

    Any DIRECT reply will be posted right below the comment – with its own time stamp – even if it’s years later!.

    The time stamp should help you keep straight what was posted when.

    So hit the reply button ON the post if you want it to respond directly to a certain post.

    Otherwise, the regular post field is just the next one in line…

  12. Coming to America Pre 1965.

    I had to get a Visa. I had to get a sponsor.. I had to have my sponsor assure that I would not be a ward of the State, that I would have a job and a place to live.
    I had to show the American Embassy an X ray of my lungs. I had to give them a doctor’s report of my general health. I had t give them a Police report from the Chief of Police in the area.

    I did.

  13. put a successful businessman in office, why i voted for ross perot…politicians have run their corrupt course…i would feel safer with dt than the milktoast crop of politicians jumping into this race…

  14. Trump is definitely NOT presidential material.
    BUT – I WOULD take advice from him – with a 50 pound grain of salt. And I might not even follow it. But I would listen to him.

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