MSNBC Analyst Says Trump Should Be Prosecuted For Negligent Homicide – IOTW Report

MSNBC Analyst Says Trump Should Be Prosecuted For Negligent Homicide


MSNBC Analyst Glenn Kirschner suggested Tuesday that he would attempt to prosecute President Donald Trump for negligent homicide over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Kirschner laid out his explanation in a series of tweets, first claiming that the president “may have criminal exposure for some level of negligent homicide or voluntary/involuntary manslaughter for the way he’s mishandled the Coronavirus crisis.”

He went on to tout his own career as a prosecutor, saying that he had always been “on the lookout for novel ways to apply homicide … liability in an attempt to appropriately and ethically hold accountable those who were responsible for taking the life of a fellow human being.”


A loon, a democratic politician, posted this –>

15 Comments on MSNBC Analyst Says Trump Should Be Prosecuted For Negligent Homicide

  1. I’m sorry, but this motherfucker should be beaten into a coma. I am so sick of useless cunts like Kirscher being given high bandwidth platforms to spew filth like this. Fuck all democrats. This country needs a real war to purge this filth, because it’s not going away out of decency, ever, because those fucks have none.

  2. Only if we can charge Democrat politicians with homicide, robbery, manslaughter, injury, etc for every Illegal Alien in a city of state they control. I would think far more Dems would be going to prison for a long, long time than the POTUS or any Republicans would!

  3. In a parallel universe I would love to see President Obama dealing with this virus. I can fookin’ guarantee you there wouldn’t be anywhere close to the panic, and yes I consider some of the actions taken by state governments to be panic driven, we’re seeing now.

    Remember when H1N1 broke, Obama declared a national emergency only after almost 6 months with over 1,000 people dead and millions infected.

    Trump did so less than a month after the outbreak here with only a few deaths.

    Gee I wonder if the media, who didn’t say squat about Obama, aren’t ramping this up to damage Trump?? yathink

    I just read an article in Foreign Policy and like almost everywhere in the media, the writer slams Trump. Face it, nothing he’s gonna do will ever get him any credit.

    Just for comparison, this year’s flu season in the US has infected 36-51,000,000 people with hospitalization required for 100s of 1,000s and between 22-55,000 deaths.

    And that’s normal.

    I think we all need to take a deep breath & step back for a moment, wash our hands and avoid large crowds. But closing every restaurant? Or locking down people in their homes for a month? I sure don’t think so. This isn’t the Black Plague.

  4. But the people who are turning criminals from the prisons loose on to the streets are heroes… right??? And when the the crime rate blows thru the roof, we’ll have great statistics cuz the Police will only be able to cite, not arrest. Yeah… that’s the ticket… literally!!
    “I gotta Grand Theft Auto ticket!
    “I gotta robbery ticket!”
    “I got an assault ticket!”
    “Dood, I gotta rape ticket!”
    Fuck this Dipshit and the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media Propaganda horse he rode in on!

  5. It will be poetic justice when one of these released felons recommits a serious crime. Whoever agreed to let these criminals out of jail could very easily be charged with aiding and abetting or some other legalistic mumbo jumbo and/or could be personally liable for the actions of the perpetrator. I wanna be on that jury.

  6. On Quora, people were pointing out how much worse figures were during the swine flu situation under Obama. Their response? “That’s all you Trumpsters have: Whataboutism.”

    But somehow nobody is supposed to die when Trump is President? And if Trump somehow managed to arrange that, they would be saying he is trying to kill the planet with overpopulation.

    I am amazed they have not condemned Trump for favoring the east coast over the west by having the sun rise over New York before it rises over California. I know, get them time


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