MSNBC, CNN Forced To Eat Crow After Learning Trump Pressed Putin On Election Meddling – IOTW Report

MSNBC, CNN Forced To Eat Crow After Learning Trump Pressed Putin On Election Meddling

DC: President Trump forced MSNBC and CNN to eat crow after he addressed Russian election meddling during his first sit-down meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

A number of anchors and pundits on the two media outlets assumed that Trump wouldn’t raise the interference issue due to his somewhat cozy relationship with Putin. Analysts operated under the speculative assumption all day Friday.


9 Comments on MSNBC, CNN Forced To Eat Crow After Learning Trump Pressed Putin On Election Meddling

  1. CNN’s week-long theme pile-on was “Trump will not confront Putin on election tampering.” I can get more accurate “news” from a game of “telephone”! The gang who couldn’t shoot straight. Too funny. Much deserved.

  2. Any reporter who says “sort of” on camera, in print, should go back to the second grade. The same goes for “I sort of feel like…” “It’s kind of a….” and “I sort of guess”.

    CNN, MSNBC – sort ofa, kind ofa, I feel like, they talk a child’s word salad.

  3. “A number of anchors and pundits on the two media outlets assumed that Trump wouldn’t raise the interference issue due to his somewhat cozy relationship with Putin.”
    Yes, neutered ‘males’ often make such assumptions.

  4. If CNN doesn’t survive this in either it’s current form or current ownership then If I were MSNBC I’d start being worried. This President could end up being the equivalent of FDR, hated by the establishment but loved by the people. FDR went over the heads of the press with his fireside chats while Trump does it with Tweets. I’m not sure whether the incessant attacks on him and his administration will redouble with the press and the establishment thinking this is their only chance to destroy him or will they lessen after seeing the damage the good ship SS CNN has taken and appears to be listing and not wanting the same treatment. All it may take now is for another fake news story from CNN where they have to retract and fire and Trump would be within his rights to pull their credentials for the WH and Presidential trips and that could spell the end for CNN.

  5. Oh man, that caption from yesterday could have been; Isn’t this cozy?
    I don’t think DJT asked if the two of them collaborated. With all of our uncontrolled government employees doing whatever, is it that hard to imagine some Russians acting independently?

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