MSNBC Crank Warns Of Second Wave Coming To Red States – IOTW Report

MSNBC Crank Warns Of Second Wave Coming To Red States

News Busters

It doesn’t seem that the media has learned anything after they completely mangled their predictions that red states like Florida and Georgia would see catastrophic consequences for opening up early. On MSNBC this afternoon, “conservative” analyst Rick Tyler was ready to make more hyperbolic predictions about red states getting “hit hard” by the coronavirus in coming months. Tyler even used the Memorial Day holiday to trash President Trump as a “debased” traitor to this country because he apparently hasn’t done anything to combat the coronavirus.

The MSNBC “conservative” and ex-aide to Sen. Ted Cruz, was on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports and spouted the same liberal talking points as the Democrat panel he was on with.

To commemorate Memorial Day, he went on a rant about how we were witnessing the “physical, mental and spiritual decline” of President Trump, who has “abandoned” the country’s efforts to fight the coronavirus. He warned that because of Trump’s inaction, we were “paying for it with lives” and the next fatal target, he guaranteed, would be the president’s voters in red states More

15 Comments on MSNBC Crank Warns Of Second Wave Coming To Red States

  1. If you don’t think another, more serious outbreak of a Chinese/American-engineered virus, SARS-COV-3, is possible, you haven’t been paying attention.

  2. The media hasnt stopped lying about this mild virus since day 1. It is a nothingburger and weve been had. The legacy media in this country is total sewage.

  3. I’m working up a hate boner of my own.

    If ole Blackface Coonman KKK robe wearing Governor whips out mask for thee but no mask for me on Friday

    He can go fuck himself up the nose with rifle cleaning equipment.

    My patience for this drooling nincompoop has expired.

    Screw you northam.

    Virginians will go about our business and you can snuggle your ugly nose into the back of the breathing apparatus I have accommodated you with.

    You might recognize the fruit of the loom emblem that is nestled between your ample eyebrows.

  4. “MSNBC Crank Warns Of Second Wave Coming To Red States”

    Maybe he knows something we don’t, such as the D’s preparing to launch another virus attack since this last one didn’t do the job properly. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I don’t doubt D’s and the CCP have consulted one another.

  5. Yeah, the drooling idiots at the liberal rag in Dallas – ‘The Dallas Boring Snooze’ have been harping on this theme about 800 hundred cases a day just springing up in June. Pure BS.


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