MSNBC: FBI needs to lure white guys, ‘radicalized’ by Trump, into bomb-building, then arrest them – IOTW Report

MSNBC: FBI needs to lure white guys, ‘radicalized’ by Trump, into bomb-building, then arrest them

BPR: An MSNBC anchor appeared to make a stunning suggestion to a former FBI official about tracking “white extremists” online.

NBC News correspondent Katy Tur discussed the FBI tracking of “young kids or young men” in false flag investigations related to ISIS or radical Islamic terrorism during a recent interview with former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi.

“When you’re looking at ISIS or you’re looking at radical Islamic terrorism, I covered a number of stories where the FBI would track young kids or young men and they would talk to them online and say ‘you know, here’s how you build a bomb,’ or ‘here’s where you get your bomb making materials,’” Tur said.

“And they track that person as that person radicalized and then arrested them before they could do anything bad,” she explained.

“Why is the same not being done for white extremists or is the same being done and we just don’t know about it?” Tur asked Figliuzzi. read more

26 Comments on MSNBC: FBI needs to lure white guys, ‘radicalized’ by Trump, into bomb-building, then arrest them

  1. Most people who are smart enough to trust Trump are also smart enough to recognize entrapment when they see it coming down the street in a windowless van with the words “FREE BOMBS” spray painted on the side.

  2. In other words, they are not likely to do this on their own so let’s trick them into doing it so the MSM can say how bad they are.

    What is it with leftists tricking people into committing “crimes” so they can be put in jail?

  3. “Why is the same not being done for white extremists or … ”

    I’d like to hear a specific definition of what “white extremists” he is talking about.

    My guess is he is simply trying to support active Trump supporters and create fear of them when, in fact, there are very unlikely to be any of them that would even consider building and using bombs.

    Bomb’s are a Leftist and Islamic sort of thing, as history repeatedly demonstrates.

  4. When you’re a simple minded bint you tend to view everyone else as having the same intellectual deficits. Partly because of a lack of imagination and partly because of intermingling with like minded democrats, neither allows for the expansion of thinking.

  5. They should just advertise on Craigslist, that’s the ticket. Patriots and Trump supporters don’t murder people.
    That’s kind of a lefty thing.
    And how exactly has Trump radicalized anybody into murdering people? Give examples please.

  6. I am a radicalized white guy, but I don’t need bombs, just my middle fingers and my sarcasm. Building bombs? Why would I waste the effort on twats like you? And by Radical I mean that I am Radically opposed to EVERYTHING you stand for and believe in.

  7. @JDHasty

    You are right. When I was a kid, me and my friends bought lots of firecrackers. They were imported from Hong Kong. Some of them were so big they resembled a small stick of dynamite. We got a big kick out of lighting and exploding them.

    I never once saw a girl light a firecracker. They have zero interest in them. It is definitely a boy thing.

    Hell, I’d buy ’em and light ’em now if they were available to purchase. The last time I ‘sploded them was in Missouri in 1976 when they were still legal.

  8. @Meyou

    Katy Tur’s old man claims he is a woman. He’s just a sicko who physically threatened Ben Shapiro on a talk show.

    He is an revolting person, regardless of what sex he/she claims to be.

  9. Ok, this is an occasion when a “d” needs to be added to Katy’s last name, because of the idiotic lefist crappy ideas that come out of her mouth.
    Trump supporters have “murdered” the leftist narrative. Maybe that’s why Mz. Tur(d) wants payback.


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