MSNBC is Officially an Arm of the DNC – Not Joking – IOTW Report

MSNBC is Officially an Arm of the DNC – Not Joking

MSNBC has okayed a segment on Joy Reid’s program that is dedicated to introducing America to democrat candidates running in the midterm election, and it is unabashedly called FLIP THIS HOUSE.

Can MSNBC do this without airing equal time? Isn’t it the law that the other political party can demand equal time for the oppositional candidate?



15 Comments on MSNBC is Officially an Arm of the DNC – Not Joking

  1. This is why Trump just needs to focus and get his agenda done or at least have Ryan and McConnell held responsible if it isn’t moved forward by being involved and going to the American people directly. Including starting the wall. The only way he keeps voters on his side is to stay focused and result oriented.

  2. I don’t know how Trumps suppose to focus on his agenda in light of my link above. This just happened and is still evolving.

    “Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) tweeted out on Monday that President Trump revealed “highly classified information” to the Russian ambassador and foreign mininister last week during his White House meeting with the Russian foreign ministers.”

    So how does he know? Does he have the Oval Office bugged. The head of the NSA just came out and called bull shit. Says he was present at the meeting and it never happened. Meanwhile Fing Paul Ryan takes the bait and is demanding answers from Trump. What a freaken circus.

  3. They need to be Shamed & severly penalized. They have a hope hear.
    The hope is that YOUTH see this and simply assume this is how America works.
    Presidence will have been sent, that it’s OK.
    It’s alot like a sitting President re-defining what sex is, for Youth we’re supposed to be teaching.

  4. MSNBC needs to be classified as fiction. I’ve been battling the media watchers on the social YouTube lately and every single time I lay out facts they call me a derogatory name. Science is claimed in their name (by them) and when scientific facts are simply regurgitated by myself, suddenly I’m berated as Hitler or a steaming pile of manure (that’s me painting a pretty picture).

    Somehow facts don’t matter. “fake news” as claimed by leftists is ruling supreme. Unicorn logic. Chase the rainbow. “Trump is not my reality.” Henceforth they have given up reality. Ghosted it.

  5. @Bad Brad

    Don’t get too worked up. This is an Intelligence Community Media Production misdirection play.
    Fake News. POTUS is the ultimate classification authority and has the absolute Power and Right to reveal, disclose and discuss anything he so chooses.

    …from earlier…
    Now that America has opened its Eyes to the Fakeness of the Media, the old Games just don’t hold up anymore. They will still try. The shtick just doesn’t move the markets anymore.

    Add to that the revealations that our “Intelligence Community” is actually the Media itself.
    “Huh?” you say. Yea. It’s true. People thought the I.C. was in back offices doing hard number crunching work. Nope. The Media drive this perception on TV and in Print to make themselves sound like Insiders with Connections (IC) when in reality it is Media Bosses and Producers that make up narratives that advance their agenda. They then give this info to their Front of House staff to pass around like a Chinese Telephone Gossip Game. The last in line gets to go in front of the cameras and inform the American People of some Breaking News. This is the True Intelligence Community. Pure Fakery. Why do News divisions have Producers? What are they Producing?

    Government Employees like Comey and Clapper and Hayden pontificate how the Intelligence Community is good people doing dangerous work. Reality is that most are nothing but self-serving bureaucrat trough-feeders ensuring their own budgets increase. Principles? Morals? Honesty? Not Here.

    Now that you know the the News Reports and their Polls and Predictions are all FAKE BULLSHIT designed to mislead you can relax. We got this.

    Thank You President Trump and the American People for this new paradigm.


  6. Maxwell Schmart

    I’m in total agreement with what you’ve described. The issue is these chicken shit tactics delay him from his agenda. This story and the story above about how SNL portrayed Sarah Sanders has me convinced we need to eradicate the left. SOON.

  7. Officially?
    I don’t need no stinking badges.
    MSNBS has been an arm of the DNC for some time, if not always.
    BTW, DNC is the clinical description of an abortion. It fits here, too.

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