MSNBC Ponders an Abrams/Cheney Ticket for 2024 – IOTW Report

MSNBC Ponders an Abrams/Cheney Ticket for 2024


A 2024 joint ticket consisting of Republican Liz Cheney and Democrat Stacey Abrams — who both failed to win seats in the recent midterm elections — is an “exciting” idea, according to an MSNBC panelist who suggested there is a strong “appetite” for such a movement.

During an MSNBC segment Thursday night discussing the next moves for losing candidates, including a potential future presidential run by defeated Democrat Tim Ryan, MSNBC contributor and Voto Latino CEO Maria Teresa Kumar appeared to float her idea of a “good ticket” for the 2024 presidential election. More

24 Comments on MSNBC Ponders an Abrams/Cheney Ticket for 2024

  1. Horror movie: the protagonist is in a car accident, and being taken to the hospital for emergency surgery. As she’s on the operating table, and just one of the docs is about to put the gas mask her, she sees Adams and Fetterman are her surgeons.

  2. Don’t misunderestimate the view promoted in the media that everything associated with Trump is to be despised and shunned. They call it Trumpism. Everything fighting Trumpism is honest and worthy of reverence. Thus Abrams/Cheney – the Resistance Fighters- looks like a winning matchup vs the great evil of Trumpism.

  3. The presidency is no less a figurehead than royalty.
    Other people run the show; commies “influencing” the ignorant to do the dirty work, media covering for them all.

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