MSNBC Reporter Admits Democratic Base Doesn’t Want to Go Back to ‘Normal’ – IOTW Report

MSNBC Reporter Admits Democratic Base Doesn’t Want to Go Back to ‘Normal’

PJM: This is really a remarkable admission from MSNBC reporter Alex Seitz-Wald, who gave a grim assessment of the Democrats’ challenge in lifting COVID-19 restrictions across the board and returning the United States to some sense of “normal.”

A recent poll showed a whopping 65% of Democrats who believe it “too early to rescind mask mandates” as opposed to just 20% of Republicans who think that way.

How does that mesh with Democratic governors who are in the process of lifting mask mandates in their states?

Fox News:

“And you see this kind of emerging message from some Democrats basically saying, ‘Mission accomplished,’ that, you know, the policies of the Biden White House, the Democratic Congress, Democratic governors, they worked, our sacrifices were worth it, we got vaccinated, it’s now time to enjoy those benefits. But that message hasn’t really been that loud because, as you pointed out, the base is divided,” the NBC reporter said. “A large number of Democrats are not there yet. So I think there is going to be a challenge for a lot of Democratic leaders to get their base comfortable with the idea of going back to normal.”

It’s more than just getting “their base comfortable” with loosening restrictions. It’s that the COVID rules have become part of the liberal’s identity. MORE

SNIP: Masks vs. Respirators (What is ACTUALLY PPE) – Ep. 17
Stephen explains the differences between a mask (cloth, surgical, etc.) and a true respirator, what circumstances they should be used, and how (fit tested).

23 Comments on MSNBC Reporter Admits Democratic Base Doesn’t Want to Go Back to ‘Normal’

  1. Off topic: I just read on Quora (which should tell me something) that Trump is likely facing indictment in Georgia.

    Does anyone have any idea what they are talking about?

    I assume it is about the 2020 election. I trust these people don’t realize that if Trump is indicted for supposedly trying to “steal” the election, he will get to introduced evidence that the election was in fact stolen by the Democrats.

    Funny how all of these people seem to think that if someone they don’t like is taken to court, either criminally or civilly, only their side gets to present evidence. It don’t work that way.

  2. “Cue the Anonymous Democrats with their twisted foul language…”

    One of the Anonymous who trolls here (who used to be Conservative… I guess) will be very very upset you are talking about him. Heh.
    He absolutely CANNOT get enough rona! And he shares every far left poll and ‘news’ to try to back his insane comments up.
    Oh and the reason his comments are removed (he was bitching about it yesterday) is because he’s not right in the head, [even his former facebook friends say the same] and often wishes death upon people who comment here/disagree with him in the slightest, because they won’t bow down to him and take the jab. Can you imagine? Being pissed because we told him to stop wishing death on people???
    Twisted loser.

  3. People who wear masks outdoors and while driving in a car *alone* have demonstrated a most tenuous grasp of reality. They can agonize over the lifting of mandates until they stroke out (God willing) but they will not dictate Jack Schmit to me.

  4. Anonymous in his/hers/its own way is proving to be the useful
    idiot that the Tyrants on the Left love, but what it/he/she
    doesn’t seem to grok is that they are the first to have a military
    boot crash down on their neck and taken to the side of the road
    to be disposed of with a bullet to the head.

  5. Normal, normal very very funny! You wouldn’t know normal if hit you aside the head with a 2×4, idjits.
    Idjit: someone with a low mental IQ, would run into the street with a car coming, a person foolish or stupid, country bumpkin…

  6. They haven’t been normal since the civil war. 😂

    They started the Ku Klux Klan lying about Republicans and the blacks who were Republicans we’re called Uncle Tom’s and sometimes murdered.

    And then there’s certain famous people who get caught wearing black face, but hey that’s perfectly normal if you have a D in front of your name.

    That’s your dirtbag Commie Dem’s for ya. 🤬

    The Kung Fu Flu Nazi’s have turned their base into a bunch of mental patient’s.🤪🤯

  7. Going back to normal means giving up all the power, which they have absolutely no intention of doing. It also means no more moral superiority to weaponize against anyone who doesn’t think in lock-step with them. It’s become such a part of their identity, I don’t think they can live without it now.


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